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PES rammebevilgning 2023-2024 SINTEF

Alternative title: PES Framework grant 2023-2024 SINTEF

Awarded: NOK 19.8 mill.

With its broad portfolio, SINTEF is one of the largest independent research institutes in Europe. After a consistent and deliberate investment over many years, Horizon Europe has become familiar ground. The next program period offers opportunities for further success. The fact that the EU is leading the transition to a sustainable zero-emissions economy makes the program an important driving force in Norway's green shift. To seize the opportunities, SINTEF has developed a strategy which involves doubling participation in the EU's research collaboration from 2019 until 2027. The aim is to increase the success rate from 23 to 30 percent. This is achieved through collaboration - both within the institute and externally with Norwegian industry and the public sector. All departments in SINTEF engage in various networks, partnerships and technology platforms. In addition, it is necessary to learn about relevant parts of the EU's policy, the framework conditions and to take active part in the development of the Commission's work programme. Being physically present in Brussels has been - and will continue to be - a prerequisite for achieving all of this. SINTEF's main focus is within Pillar II, where all the clusters and most destinations are relevant. For each topic, continuous and targeted work is done to participate in European platforms, establish networks and acquire knowledge. This is done with the aim of writing good project proposals, forming research collaborations and increasing the project portfolio. This is how SINTEF contributes to innovation and value creation in the private and public sector. SINTEF contributes to Norwegian industry having simplified access to Europe, where they can get to know both research actors, possible collaboration partners and competitors.

Tiltak for å øke returraten i Horisont Europa og andre programsamarbeid krever langsiktig og systematisk tilnærming. SINTEFs kjernevirksomhet er utvikling av teknologi og innovasjon i samarbeid med industri og offentlig sektor. For å treffe utvelgelseskriteriene i Horisont Europa er det en forutsetning å kunne "tenke europeisk" ved å forstå hvordan teknologien bidrar til å nå EUs målsetninger og endringene i utvelgelseskriteriene. Denne kompetansen bygges ved å sette seg inn i relevante deler av EUs politikk, etablere nettverk i EUs forskningspolitiske økosystem og ikke minst delta i utviklingen av Kommisjonens arbeidsprogram. Alle institutt i SINTEF jobber kontinuerlig og målrettet for å delta på viktige og relevante europeiske plattformer, etablere nettverk og innhente kunnskap og forståelse om aktuelle forskningspolitiske temaer. Dette for å kunne komme i posisjon til å skrive gode prosejktforslag og få tildelt prosjekt.

Funding scheme: