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Søknad om Prosjektetableringsstøtte til UiA for 2023 og 2024 for mobilisering, posisjonering og økt deltakelse i Horisont Europa

Alternative title: Project Establishement Support

Awarded: NOK 2.4 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2023 - 2024


The University of Agder (UiA) has ambitious goals for proposal development for Horizon Europe. UiA PES 2023-2024 are necessary means to achieve these goals. The main goal is to increase the participation of individual researchers and academic environments at UiA in Horizon Europe projects for 2023 and 2024, and the coming years. All the faculties at UiA have their own EU Action Plan and UiA has an institutional action plan for Horizon Europe where the goal is to achieve increased funding for EU applications through targeted work in several areas and levels at the same time. For the researchers at UiA, the PES funding is important to ensure time for proposal writing in the form of payroll compensation for personnel, networking, quality assurance and competence development in the form of consulting, participation in EU events and courses. For R&D employees at UiA, the funding are an important contribution to the work of mobilizing for participation in Horizon Europe. The funding also makes it possible to arrange courses and workshops. The largest positioning activities planned are the investments in MSCA-PF and ERC in 2023 and 2024. In addition, UiA wants a strategic approach to presence in Brussels (EU-office, events and network) and wants to explore opportunities related to this in this period.

UiA PES2023-2024 skal bidra til at UiA tar ut sitt fulle potensial i Horisont Europa. Rammebevilgningen er et viktig bidrag mot måloppnåelse i EU-handlingsplan og universitetets strategi. UiA ønsker i hovedsak å fokusere på sine seks toppforskningssentre; Centre for Coastal Research, The Mathematics Education Research Group Agder, Research Centre for Excellence on Lifecourse Nutrition, Center for ehealth, Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research og Top Research Centre Mechatronics. Sentrene er utgangspunktet for strategisk posisjonering og representerer sentrale fagmiljø av stor relevans for Horisont Europa. Alle miljøene har høye ambisjoner om deltakelse i Horisont Europa. De største posisjoneringsaktivitetene er satsingene på MSCA-PF og ERC. I tillegg ønsker UiA en strategisk tilnærming til tilstedeværelse i Brussel (arrangementer, nettverk, Brusselkontor) og ønsker å utforske dette nærmere i perioden. Se vedlagt prosjektbeskrivelse for detaljer om prosjektforslag og kompetansebygging.

Funding scheme: