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Revolutionising Energy Management with Flexibility Routing

Awarded: NOK 0.29 mill.

FLEXROUTER is following the concept of vertically nested energy management, inserting industrial sites, through its flexibilities, into the energy markets. The different actors (industrial, DSO, TSO) are part of an EMS chain for providing ancillary services to the grid. Here, frequency stabilization, balance services, flexibility management and market incentives (signals) are key concepts to achieve a real smart operation of the energy grid. Exploring the possibilities to maximize the contributions of available flexibilities and coordinate/aggregate them in an optimal way for the efficient provision of ancillary services is the primary goal of FLEXROUTER. FLEXROUTER will end up with TRL7-8, demonstrating and recommending how the coordination and cooperation among TSOs, DSOs and industrial prosumers can be organized to adopt the different concepts for services.

Funding scheme: