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HAVKYST-Havet og kysten

Tracking the atmospheric sources of selected POPs to contaminated coastal zones

Awarded: NOK 1.7 mill.

Project Number:


Application Type:

Project Period:

2006 - 2010

Funding received from:


The key objective of this proposal is to increase the quantitative understanding of the atmospheric sources, occurrence, and transport of selected POPs to contaminated coastal zones by use of passive air samplers. During summer and autumn 2006 it is plan ned to carry out a first screening campaign of atmospheric levels of selected POPs and POP-like chemicals (PCBs, PAHs, PBDEs and PCDD/Fs) in the atmosphere of Norwegian fjords and coastal zones where the health authorities recommends restrictions on the c onsumption of seafood. These results will be used to gain further insight in the processes responsible for the observed atmospheric levels, including an evaluation of local sources versus atmospheric long-range transport in contaminated coastal zones. Du ring second half of 2007 it is planned to carry out a second campaign at selected sites for which elevated atmospheric levels of PCBs (and/or PBDEs) have been identified during the first campaign. These results will be used to gain further insight in the processes responsible for elevated atmospheric levels to evaluate possible local sources and / or source regions. The outcome of this project will be presented to the Norwegian pollution control authority (SFT) with specific interest in contaminated coast al zones to ensure policy relevance and communication of results with key users of these data These results will have a potentially large impact on decisions regarding expensive clean up of sediments and will be of high importance for the Water Framework Directive (EU). The main scientific results will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

Funding scheme:

HAVKYST-Havet og kysten