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P-SAMISK-Program for samisk forskning

The South Saami population's right to land under international law, domestic law and Saami customary law.

Awarded: NOK 3.1 mill.

The project will survey what rights the South Saami population holds to its traditional territories, from the Atlantic coast to the coast of the Baltic Sea. To realize this ambition, the project brings together experts from some of the finest academic in stitutions of the world specializing in indigenous peoples` rights, as well as Nordic experts conducting research specifically on Saami rights. In addition, the project involves institutions situated in the South Saami area that engages historians and an thropologists documenting traditional land use in the South Saami area. In corporation with these experts, the Law Faculty at the University of Tromsö will produce three independent outcomes: - A bibliography providing a comprehensive overview of in digenous peoples`rights to land and natural resources under international law, - A bibliography of the Saami people`s rights to land and natural resources under Norwegian and Swedish law, respectively. This bibliography will also address the Saami people ?s customary norms pertaining to land, - A map documenting Saami land use in the traditional South Saami territory (This map is formally being produced independently in a free-standing research project. But it will in addition be integrated into this pro ject, in cooperation with the institutions producing the map.), and These three outcomes will be bound together by the most central leg of the project; a publication that uses the conclusions of the studies on international law and domestic law, respecti vely and applies these conclusions on the map outlining traditional Saami land use. The final part of the project hence aspires to answer, as concretely and detailed as possible, what rights to land and natural resources the South Saami population holds in the various parts of its traditional territory. It will be possible to enjoy all parts of the projects separately. But clearly, the project will be of most interest viewed as an integrated whole.

Funding scheme:

P-SAMISK-Program for samisk forskning