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PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Increased gas transport capacity through increased accuracy in numerical modelling of the sea bottom temperature

Awarded: NOK 99,999

The Norwegian gas production is transported in large diameter pipelines to Europe, covering around 15% of the European natural gas consumption. Optimal operation of this network is necessary to continue developing the competitive edge of Norwegian natural gas in Europe, and also embedded in TTA8. To maximise the potential in the existing gas network, and minimize cost in the building of new pipelines, accurate estimations of the pipeline capacities are crucial. The sea bottom temperature is an important parameter when calculating the transport capacity in a gas pipeline, as the volume of the gas is proportional to the temperature. A temperature difference of 1°C corresponds to a deviation of 0.4% in hydraulic capacity, or 380 MSm³/year for the entire gas network. Assuming a gas price of 2 NOK/MSm³ this corresponds to 760 MillNOK/year. As measurements of the sea bottom temperature along the pipelines are not available, one has to rely on statistics and modeled temperatures supplied by UK Met office. Rece nt analyses of the deviation between the modeled and measured gas temperature in the pipelines show a potential for improving todays sea bottom temperature estimation by 2°C, which is the key economic incentive for this project. This work is also crucial for Polytec and Gassco to maintain their world leading position in modeling and analyses of gas transport. The main project will include a Phd in collaboration with both national and international partners, as well as publications and participations on conferences.

Funding scheme:

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver