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FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren

Local Culture for Understanding Mathematics and Science (LOCUMS)

Alternative title: Matematikk- og naturfagforståelse koblet til elevenes egen kultur

Awarded: NOK 7.0 mill.

Our project investigated the use of practical activities based on student's life experiences and cultural backgrounds as starting points for the learning of concepts and basic skills in mathematics and science and for the development of ecocitizenship (a broadened shared citizenship based on individual and collective responsibility and agency with respect to sustainability). The overall purpose of the project was to bring together several existing strands of research into Indigenous or culturally sensitive issues in science and mathematics education, in order to create an evidence base for new practices. It also prompted some thought about the theoretical and philosophical basis for culturally sensitive education. LOCUMS supported a move towards more student-centred education. The study explored the notion of a culturally responsive science and mathematics education, and was located in Finnmark, in Trøndelag and in Oslo. Aspects relating to the research project with comments: 1: To develop more culturally responsive teaching and learning methods in secondary school science and mathematics, involving local knowledge and cultural identity, in order to raise students? achievement, make teaching more meaningful for them and reduce school drop-out Comment: LOCUMS provides examples of how this can be achieved through long term efforts where teachers and school leaders cooperate. Classroom interventions were designed based on students' interests and leisure activities they enjoy. They got indulged in group discussions, interactions with their peers and reported learning teamwork and co-operation skills. Another sub-project linked students? own experiences and school knowledge by using Snapchat, and its special function; MyStory. This opened up possibilities for students to map their everyday life and link this to the science curriculum competence aims. 2: To collect data from contrasting case studies in order to evaluate the effectiveness of these teaching and learning methods and to provide a basis for research studies in this field The interventions were related to contrasting/complementary forms of students' culture ? for instance, indigenous culture in Tromsø/Kautokeino, digital culture among youngsters in Oslo or working practically on tasks related to their personal life interests ? all of these interventions can be seen to have the potential to offer enriched learning experiences to learners which they find meaningful for their personal lives. The project also added knowledge about the limitations in the educational system for implementing these kinds of learning strategies and how to assess the leaning outcomes. 3: To develop state of the art professional development activities in order to support the implementation of more culturally responsive teaching and learning methods in secondary school science and mathematics Culturally responsive teaching can be defined as using the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, and performance styles of diverse students to make learning more appropriate and effective for them; it teaches to and through the strengths of these students. In LOCUMS, we have been influenced by our research in all the above areas and are beginning to see connections across: -Identifying Innate mathematical abilities expressed through practical activities. -Attending to students as individuals, with an emphasis on listening to their voices and responding seriously to their concerns. -Increasing the connections between education and environmental awareness, especially when this is driven by the students themselves -Using research as a development tool for place-specific learning activities. 4. To develop interdisciplinary culturally responsive teaching strategies in science and mathematics that develop student ecocitizenship and agency Students worked on tasks related to their personal interests rooted in their cultural backgrounds (indigenous or youth culture). In these tasks, they had to build an artefact or deliver a product using their knowledge of science, mathematics and environment. The objective of these activities was to make them aware of their agency in order to participate in development of their own teaching strategies so that they become critically aware citizens of the future society and know how to exercise their agency to deal with social challenges, such as injustice, inequality, climate change etc. 6: To provide a strong evidence base for the implementation of culturally responsive science and mathematics education, in order to strengthen education policy in this area Comment: LOCUMS has increased our knowledge on learner?s beliefs about their possibilities to influence their own learning situation. There was also an intention to explore the potential of drama in culturally responsive science and mathematics, but this was not possible to accomplish during the project period.

LOCUMS har gitt økt kunnskap om kulturtilpasning og økt elevsentrering i naturfag- og matematikkundervisning. Prosjektet har gitt innsikt i - elevers syn på og erfaring med medvirkning i undervisningssituasjonen og relevans av det faglige innholdet - elevenes kritiske tenkning om sin egen utdanning i disse fagene - hvordan undervisningen i matematikk og naturfag i flerkulturelle klasserom kan tilpasses elevenes egen kultur og deres hverdagsliv - hvordan undervisningen kan øke elevenes samfunnsengasjement Prosjektets resultater er formidlet til lærere og skoleeiere gjennom - gjennom fagseminarer og konferanser - skriftlige publikasjoner - deltakelse i lærerutdanningene Prosjektet har hatt innflytelse på læreplanverket LK20. Potensielle virkninger og effekter som kan forventes på grunnlag av det prosjektet har oppnådd så langt. - Økt vektlegging av elevsentrering og kulturtilpasning i skolen gjennom deltakelse i grunn-, etter- og videreutdanning av lærere og lærerutdannere.

Groups of students are marginalised in western school systems because they see school as part of a culture distanced from their own life outside school, which in turn decreases school motivation and learning outcomes. The present project aims to increase the quality of science and mathematics education for students in Norwegian lower secondary schools, by developing a practical approach to teaching and learning that links local cultures to science and math education. We will evolve student projects that link inspiring practical work to students lived experiences and local cultures. These activities will then be used to contextualise mathematics and science learning. Based on these student projects we aim to develop a model for culturally responsive science teaching. The knowledge developed can be transferred to other school subjects and to any group of students. Iterative cycle design will be used with on average three trials per student project, in order to develop them throughout the project period. The project will address the following research question: Can culturally responsive science and mathematics educations improve teaching and enhance learning? The student projects will be developed in local schools in Finnmark with reference to indigenous culture in the area, and in parts of Oslo greatly influenced by various immigrant cultures. Recognized research collaborators in Australia, Greece and South Africa will run concurrent projects in their countries, where links between cultural identity and science learning are explored. This will facilitate the exchange of experiences and mutual project evaluation. The study will combine and draw on different sources of data, observation and video filming in the classrooms and in the field, as well as interviews of students, teachers and school leaders. Student video blogs and communication on social platforms will also be included in the data.

Publications from Cristin

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Funding scheme:

FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren