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IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Novel health services using implantable sensors connected to wireless applications

Alternative title: Novel health services using implantable sensors connected to wireless applications

Awarded: NOK 11.2 mill.

The purpose of the SUPRE project was to develop new health services for patients with dysfunctional urinary bladder using implantable microsensors. Such a sensor system should provide long-term pressure measurements with wireless transfer of values to a smartphone or tablet. By placing the sensor directly in the urinary bladder and connecting it to electronics under the skin, one should obtain very high-quality measurements. Patients can thus potentially be alerted to the need to empty their bladder and medical staff can be alerted if there are signs of a dangerous increase in bladder pressure. The new health service will potentially contribute to better health and improved quality of life for patients and to reduced costs associated with hospital admissions, drugs and disposable equipment, and more efficient and targeted use of resources. The system is a further development of a wire-based solution developed in close collaboration between Sunnaas Hospital HF (SSHF) and SINTEF in the project PEPRE. Key goals in SUPRE were to develop a new sensor element that can function in the human body over time, to investigate sensor measurement accuracy and stability in living animals and humans, transmission of signal from inside to outside of the body, and reduction of energy consumption. SSHF was the project owner and responsible for clinical trials. SINTEF was responsible for project management and primarily responsible for technology development. The University of Oslo (UiO) and École Polytechnique de Montréal (EPM) participated in the development of electronics and wireless communication (MICS). Oslo University Hospital (OUS) was responsible for animal experiments. Production of a new and robust sensor element was designed and processed at SINTEF and a longer sensor probe was developed to meet doctors' wishes. The first phase of the project was completed in 2017. In 2018, the project developed a realistic plan for phase 2, where clinical trials in animals and humans were central. Neither of the two wireless technologies were tested in humans, but the MICS solution was tested in pigs. The wired solution was tested in pigs and in two human clinical trials and helped achieve the project's goals. UiO developed an NFC solution with an external module attached to the body for sending energy to and receiving signals from implanted parts, these signals are passed on to e.g. a mobile phone. Initial bench tests have been carried out on NFC. Results showed that NFC communicated through materials corresponding to skin and 5 mm fat layer in pigs, which is too small for the application. The project therefore stopped further development of the NFC solution. EPM's MICS uses a battery for energy transfer, an external base station for receiving signals and has a longer range. OUS tested the pressure sensors in pigs. The project tested the wired solution in pigs in the acute phase, providing valuable procedure experience for implantation of sensor probe in pig bladders. In 2021 the project implanted a sensor probe and MICS device in pigs. Measurements were made for four days. In the first experiment, the sensor had been pulled out of the urinary bladder and therefore could not provide physiological data. But it showed that the MICS solution logged and transmitted pressure data while implanted. In a 2022 experiment on pigs, the sensor probe was attached to a Foley catheter with a balloon so that the sensor stayed in the urinary bladder. Physiological measurements could be performed for 2 days and Proof-of-principal was established. In 2018, the company Invivo Bionics AS was established based on the sensor technology developed in PEPRE and SUPRE. In 2022, they reached six employees. The company has an exclusive license for in vivo use of the pressure sensor from SINTEF. The article "Measurement of Urinary Bladder Pressure: A Comparison of Methods", was published in the scientific journal "Sensors" in July 2018. The article has been downloaded more than 1000 times and the authors have on occasions been contacted by academic communities based on the article. The project has also been presented to medical professionals and patient groups on several occasions and has also been featured in Patetra, the member magazine for the National Association for Spinal Cord Injuries. Covid19 caused delays in 2020 and 2021. Patient trials at SSHF were postponed until 2022. The project was granted an application for patient trials from the Norwegian Medicines Agency in May 2022. These were started in June 2022. By the end of the project, SSHF had managed to conduct 30 successful patient trials (without technical errors), while 4 of the trials were unsuccessful due to sensor failures. The data will be analysed by software developed by SSHF, which uses wavelet analysis. It should reliably predict minor pressure changes and be included in proposals to develop an "alarm function" that is robust to artifacts during measurement. Results to be published 2023

Prosjektet har utviklet ny teknologi som anvendt på ulike måter, vil ha stor betydning for utredning og behandling av funksjonsforstyrrelser i urinblæren. Potensielt utgjør dette en stor gruppe mennesker, og det er kjent at i Norge er det over 1 million sliter med plager knyttet til urinblæren. Typisk kan det være urinlekkasje, kraftig forøket trang eller vanskeligheter med å tømme ordentlig. Disse problemene får ofte lite oppmerksomhet i helsevesenet, og er for mange ubehagelig å ta opp. Selv om det å avgjøre hva som er riktig behandling i mange tilfeller krever utredning, gjøres dette i liten grad i dag. Utredningen består i å måle trykket i urinblæren mens det fylles og under vannlatning. Betegnelsen på denne undersøkelsen er cystometri. Denne undersøkelsen foretas i dag kun ved spesialiserte avdelinger eller klinikker. Ut fra kartlegging av tilbudet i dag dreier det seg om mindre enn 1 % av alle som har slike plager. Dagens utstyr er kostbart i anskaffelse og i tillegg kommer utgifter til engangsutstyr. Det er stasjonære løsninger plassert på dedikerte laboratorier. Vi har nå i kliniske studier utviklet en metode for cystometri basert på mikro- og nanoteknologi. Dette gir mulighet for helt nye og enklere undersøkelser, der det ikke er behov for kostbart stasjonært utstyr. På denne måten vil tilgangen til cystometri bli mer utbredt og lettere tilgjengelig. Den vil kunne erstatte dagens teknologi, og samtidig åpne for at en større andel av personer med disse plagene får en spesialisert utredning og mer korrekt behandling. Det neste trinn i utviklingen vil være å foreta målinger over lengre tid med ekstern avlesning. I prosjektet ble dette utprøvd i en pilotstudie på mennesker med trykkmåling i urinblæren i inntil 1 døgn. Utprøvingen ga viktige resultater i forhold til videreutvikling av teknologien, og viste at metoden var praktisk gjennomførbar ved at forsøkspersonene tolererte opplegget uten problemer. Det er videre gjort dyrestudier i opptil 1 uke med fullt implantert utstyr for trådløs overføring av målinger. Vi har funnet at teknologien er pålitelig for bruk over kortere perioder under 1 time, men det er behov for videre utvikling for lengre registrering samt ved videre trådløse systemer for implantering. Imidlertid har vi vist at teknologien fungerer, og at det lar seg gjennomføre. Ved masseproduksjon vil utstyret både kunne bli langt billigere enn eksisterende systemer, men også medføre langt mindre behov for engangsutstyr, og dermed mindre avfall. Prosjektet har resultert i etableringen av Invivo Bionics AS ( som skal videreutvikle SUPRE-konseptet til et kommersielt produkt. Invivo ble startet av tidligere prosjektleder ved SINTEF, Ingelin Claussen, og har skaffet seg både investorinvesteringer og prosjektmidler fra EU.

To develop novel health services for patients with dysfunctional urinary bladder. The new service will provide for improved patient health and quality of life. It will also provide for reduced costs related to hospital stay, medication, and disposables. The innovation will have impact on both specialized and primary health care system, with more efficient and targeted use of resources. The SUbcutaneous PREssure sensor system (SUPRE) will provide for long-term (> 24 hours) and high-quality recordings achieved by a miniaturized pressure sensor placed directly into the urinary bladder and an electronic module placed under the skin. The system also includes wireless means for communication with an external data receiving and handling device. The novel system is a further development of a wired solution developed in close collaboration between Sunnaas Hospital HF and SINTEF and already tested in pilot patients. Pressure sensor resolution and long-term stability, transmission of the signal from body inside to body outside, and minimizing the power consumption to allow for long term operation are the central R&D challenges in the innovation project. Sunnaas Hospital HF is the project owner and responsible for clinical investigations. SINTEF is responsible for the project management and main responsible for the technical development. University of Oslo and École Polytechnique de Montréal participate in development of electronics and wireless communication. Norwegian center for stem cell research and Oslo University Hospital participate in testing the pressure sensors in animal models. A Reference Group is established to anchor the new innovation in the relevant communities. If successful, the new technology will be taken to the market either through establishment of a new company or through licensing to existing market players.

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IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

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