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HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester

Individualized Digital DEcision Assist System (IDDEAS) for the diagnosis and management of mental&behavior disorders in children&adolescent

Alternative title: IDDEAS

Awarded: NOK 10.3 mill.

IDDEAS, short for "Individualized Digital Decision Assist System," is an advanced platform tailored to provide personalized decision support in child and adolescent mental health. IDDEAS assembled a diverse group of stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers, computer engineers, and representatives from service-user organizations. The collective effort was focused on both building the system and conducting thorough testing. IDDEAS has established a unique database, comprising authentic and unprocessed clinical data sourced from over 20,000 former patients in CAMHS from the Mid-Norway region. This dataset encompasses both structured and unstructured data formats, and provided a comprehensive foundation for IDDEAS clinical decision support system in addition to international and national guidelines for assessment and treatment. An important factor in this work has been the service users' views on the storage and sharing of health data for quality assurance of clinics and the development of a clinical decision support system. IDDEAS has conducted two such user surveys and gained a clear impression that our informants welcome such a decision support system for patients in CAMHS in Norway. IDDEAS 1.0, clinical decision support system, has been evaluated by child and adolescent psychiatrists and psychologists all over the country, who have provided overall positive feedback and suggested new ways to improve the system. 14 peers reviewed articles by IDDEAS have been published, 4 papers are under review. IDDEAS's sustainability is assured by new funding from Samarbeidsorganet Mid Norge, facilitating further advancement through hybrid AI, combining supervised and unsupervised learning with partially symbolic reasoning and semantically rich domain models, before full implementation.

The implementation of IDDEAS (Individualised Digital DEcision Assist System) has successfully leveraged existing resources, such as the unique BUP datasets, along with clinical guidelines. This achievement has led to the development of clinical decision support models tailored for healthcare providers, including physicians, psychologists. IDDEAS gives an opportunity to make more personalized and informed decisions in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders in children and adolescents. IDDEAS efficiently uses resources, aids decision-making, and has the potential to improve patient care and operational efficiency over time.

15 years ago Norway was in a leading position with the National Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinics (N-BUP) pioneering design, development and ownership of the original advanced multidisciplinary EHR (electronic health record) BUPData. Over the years unique, rich datasets were collected in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinics across Norway. Sadly, these unique data sets have not been used to improve care for service users, even though, in the recent years the use of computers expanded well beyond just storing patients data. IDDEAS (Individualized Digital DEcision Assist System) will integrate evidence-based clinical knowledge and practice data (collected over the past 15 years) to create a dataset that can be used by a newly developed medical decision support engine; this will allow for the creation of clinical decision models for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of child and adolescent mental disorders. IDDEAS will increase service efficiency by making collected unique health data sets work for patients by supporting clinicians decisions and improve quality of services by bringing evidenced-based expertise directly to the examination room. IDDEAS innovation with LEaP (Local, Early, and Precise) model will change clinical practice by making the highest levels of knowledge available to local service providers early in patient care. In addition, IDDEAS will build a new arena of cooperation by bringing together service providers, researchers,managers, IT specialists, service users and international partners from the leading EU and USA institutions. And finaly IDDEAS will make services more useful and user friendly by ensuring timely recognition of mental health disorder at the "front door" while also ensuring greater participation and improved transparency for patients and families in clinical decision-making.

Publications from Cristin

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HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester