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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

DigiBuild - Heldigitalisert Byggeprosess

Alternative title: DigiBuild - Digital Building Process

Awarded: NOK 13.1 mill.

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Project Period:

2018 - 2022

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The project aim was to develop a holistic concept for a fully digital construction process. After the completion of the project we can report following results: 1) BI and SINTEF succeeded in developing the scientific basis for how a complex project organization with a high degree of purchased services will respond to a fully digital concept. a) BI and the project's post.doc have researched and documented the change process from analogue to digital mindsets, as well as have followed and documented the work of IT experts and practitioners in Backe. Through the project, a number of articles have been prepared on the obstacles traditional organisations face mtp. digitizing. The work from DigiBuild has resulted in the design of the research project DigiMetrics, where the focus will be on the development of computational models to enable faster digital transformations in the construction industry. The purpose is to spread knowledge from DigiBuild to the rest of the industry, with practical models to measure the potential impact of various digitalisation measures. 2) Research on the assumptions that form the basis for how to achieve a seamless data flow between systems through the construction process so that a holistic perspective and snapshot of which elements are worked on in parallel in construction projects is achieved. a) Throughout the project SINTEF has been a sparring partner for Backe where they have challenged and quality assured various technology choices, both internally and externally: i)Reference models and architectures for digital platforms, infrastructures and frameworks consistently in line with different directions in the project. ii)Ontology for integration model and knowledge graph iii)Dashboards, technologies for ontologies iv)How to raise data quality (technology for data curation, matching and reconcilliation) v)Questions, dialogue and answers to suppliers 3)Development of prototypes for training actors in construction projects with DigiBuild, as well as an industrial data platform that allows the fully digital construction process to be validated in practice. Lean Communications 1.Lean Communications have in 2021 developed virtual courses, facilitation methodology and training on-demand for digital construction projects. Due to Backe's work on the development of concrete digital solutions that provide a PoC for the fully digital construction process, it has so far not been possible to fully implement Backe's DigiBuild process in the solution. When participating in the project, the prerequisites are there to fully adapt courses to the DigiBuild concept when external platform and best practice are defined. Backe Entreprenør 1.Part 1) Data between systems in Backe: We have as of today achieved liberalization of previous silo data vha. MS datafactory that gives all employees access to data, as well as tools for actively using data. In addition, we have developed our own API that enables better collaboration with suppliers and partners. The liberalization of data, while at the same time working on the definition of access management and resilience in data, has allowed personnel with interest to develop their own solutions that make the building process smoother. The knowledge results from part 1 of DigiBuild can be used to define a best practice for digitizing companies similar to Backe in the construction industry who want to take part in a fully digital construction process. Separate training programmes have been defined to facilitate user-driven innovation on their own data. 1.Part 2) Platform for interaction in the construction industry: Through collaboration with IBM and their development team, we have developed two applications, the first of which (Products) is a PoC with a global database based on ISO standards. The application enables fully digital EPDs with a unique structure associated with ISO and can be used by everyone in the construction industry ? in comparison to other initiatives that are often locked with supplier bindings. Application 2, Exchange - is a PoC for buying and selling products and services across the industry, as well as planned is Application 3 (Automate), which connect systems via low-code. The latter, together with part 1) from DigiBuild, can be used to achieve a fully digital construction process. The platform is developed so that third-party developers can develop their own solutions and commercialise them - which is intended to ensure user involvement and synergies from performing parts 1 and part 2. There is already great interest from the market in regards to access to the Platform. Backe together with development partners is currently in probe to secure further funding for the development platform, including financing under the EU's Data Spaces. Parts 1 and 2 have not been validated against the defined KPIs from the R&D project. Indications show that the KPIs are within reach after the end of the project.

DigiBuild har endret måten Backe organiserer utviklingsaktiviteter på og har radikalt økt kompetanse på digitalisering og potensielle effekter fra slikt arbeid i organisasjonen. Denne beste praksisen ønsker vi å formidle til næringen og med dette, bidra positivt til at målene satt i Bygg21 sitt digitale veikart faktisk oppnås for næringen innen 2025. Dette vil vi gjøre gjennom aktiv formidling av resultater i akademia og næringsrettede fora.

Den svake produktivitetsveksten i byggenæringen har vært i Regjeringens søkelys i mange år. Samarbeidsprosjektet Bygg21 trekker fram bruk av ny teknologi og digitalisering, samt samhandling som viktig for produktivitetsvekst. Næringen arbeider med å øke produktiviteten. Flere initiativer tar sikte på å øke graden av digitalisering av prosessene i byggeprosjekter, der den underliggende antakelsen er at dette vil bidra til bedre samhandling og kommunikasjon blant aktørene i et byggeprosjekt, og dermed økt produktivitet. Initiativene preges imidlertid av silotenkning og utvikling av systemer som ikke snakker sammen. I følge Bygg21 må dette forandres for at løsningene skal komme næringen som helhet til gode. Ingen har så langt klart å utvikle løsninger som kan benyttes for å øke produktivitet i næringen som helhet, og vi mangler fortsatt et helhetlig konsept for en heldigital byggeprosess (i bred forstand), som dekker både den teknologiske og organisasjonsmessige siden. Samarbeidspartnerene Backe Entreprenør, Backe Digital, Lean Communications, Handelshøgskolen BI og SINTEF Digital har som overordnet målsetning å utvikle et slikt et helhetlig konsept og industriell dataplattform for en heldigital byggeprosess, heretter kalt DigiBuild. Til sammen har det helhetlige konseptet for digital byggeprosess, inkludert plattformen, virksomhetsarkitekturen og opplæringsverktøyet potensial til å føre til 33% kostnadsreduksjon, 50% lavere klimagassutslipp og 50% raskere prosjektgjennomføring.

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Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena