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VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon

Freelancers, independent contractors and the organization of work

Alternative title: Frilansere, oppdragstakere og organisering av arbeid

Awarded: NOK 9.5 mill.

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Project Period:

2019 - 2024

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What is a contractor? A contractor performs a task for a business firm, without being an employee of the firm. In this project, we have studied freelancers in many professions and industries; journalists, managers, IT personnel, communications and people who carry out work in TV production. From the business's point of view, using contractors is an alternative to permanent or temporary employment. Seen from the contractor side, this form of association can be a conscious choice, or an alternative when permanent employment is not possible. Identification and work-life balance among journalists In journalism, the contractor is referred to as a freelancer. Belonging to and identifying with a profession is important across professions and areas of expertise, and positive for the professionals. One finding in the project is that freelancers have a lower identification with the journalism profession than permanent employees. An important part of the difference is due to the fact that freelancers have a weaker professional network than permanent employees, and that a strong network strengthens identification with the profession. A balance between work and family is important for quality of life, lasting participation in the workforce and to avoid burnout. We find that freelancers experience a weaker work-life balance than permanent employees among journalists. Challenges for interim managers An interim manager is a person who has a manager role - top manager or middle manager - on a temporary basis. Compared to employed managers, we find four distinctive challenges for this group: - how to introduce yourself as a new manager in the organisation, and especially if you are open about the fact that you have a temporary position. - to quickly contribute to the effects of the work. As a new manager in the business, it can take time to get to know employees, routines, procedures and the organization in general. - find the right level of integration with the customers, especially considering that you are there for a shorter period and often to solve a specific problem. - difficult to apply the role authority that came with the position they occupied in a company. TV production in Norway: Forms of attachment to work We have studied the organization of TV production in Norway. The Farm, Stjernekamp and Luksusfellen are examples of this. Here we find a combination of three features, which distinguish the sector from other parts of Norwegian working life: - Private businesses where all activity is linked to projects, and all value creation takes place in projects. - A small "core" of permanent employees, combined with seasonal temporary employees and some contractors. - Trade union organization and collective agreements, aimed at temporary employees. Knowledge of new intermediaries in the labor market The emergence of new intermediaries, with a large digital element, in the labor market, entails: - an expansion of tripartite relationships where contractors are allocated to customers (companies and public agencies). - that the work carried out by the contractor is in some cases managed by the intermediary (platform), in other cases by the customer company. It is therefore not autonomous, self-directed work as is often assumed. Knowledge of challenges for the legislation The emergence of these new intermediaries challenges the Working Environment Act (AML), and in particular the understanding of the organization of work that underlies the legislation. a) The term employee in AML. This new provision does not capture the challenges when the contractor (employee or contractor) is allocated to a customer company. b) The regulation on the hiring of advisers and consultants with special expertise. The mediation of contractors is mentioned here, but the legal status of these has not been clarified. There is also a lack of understanding of the demand for labor i) One is unable to distinguish between project-based activities and other activities, ii) The distinction between core activities organized in projects and development projects is at best implied, iii) One does not mention the emergence of so-called agile product teams, where development, maintenance and operation are handled in permanent teams over time. c) The EU Commission's proposal for a directive for platform work: Here the weakness is that i) too little emphasis is placed on the allocation function and the role of the customer company, ii) there is a one-sided focus on whether the work platform controls the work, and overlooks that the customer company may often take care of the organization and management of the work Knowledge of demand for external labor within ICT Digitization and work with IT takes place with contributions from our own employees and external labour. Here we find an important change in the demand for external expertise: There is less demand for digitaliization projects and more demand of external consultants as supplements to employees.

- Økt innsikt i frilansere arbeidsituasjon - Økt innsikt i interimlederes utfordringer - Ny kunnskap om arbeid knyttet til nye mellomledd/digitale plattformer - Ny kunnskap om hvordan denne typen av arbeid "treffer" lovverket (Arbeidsmiljøloven mm)

The last decade has seen a growth in the number of freelancers and independent contractors , begging a number of questions on participation in working life, work quality , the organization of work, and the management and control of work. This category of work-arrangement both differ from and are under-studied compared to other non-standard options; such as short-term hires, personnel from temporary help agencies and personnel from external contractors. Here, we will analyze five research questions: a) How do freelancers experience and handle their position as liminal subjects in a project setting? b) In the context of increased use of freelancers in the media sector; to what extent do free lancers and people in standard employment relations differ in terms of work quality, work experience and professional approach to work? c) What is the role of social networks, professional associations and digital communities in knowledge development and market development for freelancers? d) What is the role of third parties and digital platforms that mediate between freelancers and customer organizations? e) Are there specific managerial challenges in coordinating team and project work when freelancers and internal employees work together, and how are these challenges handled? The various research questions covers a number of aspects of freelance work (such as the experience of freelancing, network support, digital platforms mediating freelance work as well as the management of freelancers at the customers site). A number of different methods and data sources will be used in the project; including semi-structured interviews, surveys and document analysis. The project is of societal relevance, especially regarding legal regulation of the labour market, for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and for unions organizing freelancers and independent contractors.

Funding scheme:

VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon