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BIOTEK2021-Bioteknologi for verdiskaping

ERA-NET: Novel enhanced bioplastics from sustainable processing of seaweed (PlastiSea)

Alternative title: BlueBio - Nye bioplastmaterialer fra bærekraftig prosessering av tang og tare

Awarded: NOK 7.3 mill.

The main objective of PlastiSea is to develop new bioplastic materials based on cultivated and wild harvest seaweed from the Norwegian coast. Conventional plastics are made from non-renewable fossil resources and the pollution of these materials represents a global threat toward marine environments. As a result of this the need for alternative bio-based and biodegradable materials is now paramount, particularly within the food sector. Bioplastic materials still face challenges with respect to low sustainability of the raw materials, low biodegradability and recyclability, high cost and non-satisfactory mechanical properties. These aspects limit the possible application areas of currently available bioplastics. The project will develop new bioplastic materials based on different cultivated and wild harvested species of brown algae. Brown algae have an unrealized potential for use in materials, considering that they have an inherently high content of complex carbohydrates with good structural properties, and the fact that they can be cultivated in large scale with positive environmental effects. However, research is needed to gain an increased understanding of the usable species, and to develop a scalable biorefinery, new material formulations and production methods. As a new value chain, life cycle analyses and economic assessments are required to map possibilities and limitations for seaweed-based bioplastics. The project has ended and has been a great success with respect to goal achievement, innovation, and scientific and popular scientific output. PlastiSea has demonstrated how seasonal variations in cultivated brown algae affect their suitability for bioplastic materials, influencing choice of harvest times while highlighting the importance of characterising the raw material before use. It has further been developed new scalable processes for stabilising fresh biomass after harvest, and further refining to structural biopolymers, which has not been previously shown for cultivated brown algae in Europe. The project has developed new and innovative prototypes for bioplastic materials, including transparent flexible films and hard composites, and characterized these. Here, it has been shown how the composition of the materials and structure of the alginate from brown algae can control mechanical and functional properties of the materials. PlastiSea has further studied methods and instrumentation for upscaled production of seaweed-based bioplastics and demonstrated production of selected prototypes in pilot scale. An important part of the project has been environmental analyses of the entire value chain, to assess sustainability of the future biomass supply and environmental footprint of the production of raw material (seaweed cultivation), to processing of the biomass, manufacture of bioplastics, and final composting of materials. In addition to packaging materials and similar products, the project has also developed advanced nanomaterials from chemically modified alginates and cellulose from the brown algae, for potential use in high value applications such as electronics and pharmaceuticals.

The PlastiSea project has largely fulfilled the anticipated outcomes and impacts - Novel bioplastic materials have been developed from cultivated brown algae, including compostable packaging materials and high-value nanomaterials based on functionalized seaweed polysaccharides. This has been documented through prototype demonstrations, and scientific publications and presentations. These are novel materials from a novel raw material (cultivated algae) - New knowledge has been generated on biorefining of cultivated brown algae, which was previously only established for wild harvested species. The project has done extensive environmental analyses to assess the sustainability of the processes, and technical/economic analyses to assess scalability and future industrial implementation. - The project has contributed to an increased market interest in seaweed-based materials and to bridging the gap between biomass producers and end users. Development of such large-scale applications will be instrumental for stimulating and upscaling the European seaweed-based industries, where technology and knowledge generated in PlastiSea will be directly used by stakeholders. - PlastiSea has generated a large contact network and new project activities in collaboration with technology providers and end users for the continued development of seaweed-based bioplastics. The consortium has further been active in open and popular scientific communication, thus engaging consumers and overall society in the research.

Conventional plastic materials are made from non-renewable resources and pollution by these materials represents a global threat to marine environments. The EU recently voted for a complete ban of the most common single-use plastics by 2021, which has significantly stimulated the interest in bio-based and biodegradable materials, particularly in the food packaging and service industries. However, bioplastics still face challenges related to sustainability of the feedstock, low biodegradability and/or recyclability and unsatisfactory properties, limiting their applications and widespread implementation. The main objective of PlastiSea is to develop novel bioplastic materials based on cultivated and wild species of brown algae. The project will thus provide innovative and sustainable bioplastic substrates with promising properties, and simultaneously add value to a growing seaweed industry in Europe. The seaweed biomass will be processed to obtain polysaccharide-rich fractions, employing various degrees of refinement toward high-volume applications in the food industry as well as high-performance products for the biomedical sector. Novel bioplastic substrates will be developed with a focus on competitive structural properties and biodegradability, utilizing inherent properties of seaweed polysaccharides combined with novel bioplastic formulations and structuring technology. High-volume products will be developed toward pilot-scale manufacture and future industrial-scale implementation after the project's end. The value chain from raw material to products will be evaluated from an environmental and economic perspective to identify and address challenges and opportunities in scaling and ensure a sustainable pipeline for value creation. The PlastiSea consortium consists of partners from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Spain, and combines research expertise with industrial innovation to achieve the project's goals and fulfil the visions of the Blue Bioeconomy.

Publications from Cristin

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Funding scheme:

BIOTEK2021-Bioteknologi for verdiskaping

Thematic Areas and Topics

LTP3 Rettede internasjonaliseringstiltakBioteknologiMarin bioteknologiPortefølje Banebrytende forskningLTP3 Styrket konkurransekraft og innovasjonsevneLTP3 Et kunnskapsintensivt næringsliv i hele landetInternasjonaliseringInternasjonalt samarbeid om utlysningLTP3 Klima, miljø og energiLTP3 Fagmiljøer og talenterPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderInternasjonaliseringBioteknologiCo-Funded/ERA-NETAvanserte produksjonsprosesserKutt i utslipp av klimagasserLTP3 Samfunnssikkerhet og beredskapMatGlobal matsikkerhetLTP3 Miljøvennlig energi og lavutslippsløsningerMarinMarin bioteknologiBransjer og næringerFiskeri og havbrukPortefølje InnovasjonAvanserte produksjonsprosesserAvansert produksjonsteknologi som fag og teknologi (ny fra 2015)Portefølje ForskningssystemetBransjer og næringerProsess- og foredlingsindustriLTP3 Hav og kystHavbrukAnnen havbruksrelevant forskningMarinLTP3 Klima, polar og miljøCo-Funded/ERA-NETERA-NET Cofund H2020Nanoteknologi/avanserte materialerAvanserte materialerMarinHavbrukResponsible Research & InnovationBransjer og næringerBransjer og næringerHelsenæringenLTP3 Nano-, bioteknologi og teknologikonvergensHavbrukPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderNæring og handelBioøkonomiPortefølje Klima og miljøSirkulær økonomiKlimarelevant forskningLTP3 Bioøkonomi og forvaltningAnvendt forskningInternasjonaliseringInternasjonalt prosjektsamarbeidLTP3 Høy kvalitet og tilgjengelighetLTP3 Muliggjørende og industrielle teknologierPortefølje Mat og bioressurserPortefølje Muliggjørende teknologierNaturmangfold og miljøSirkulær økonomiNaturmangfold og miljøGrunnforskningLavutslippBioteknologiIndustriell bioteknologiPolitikk- og forvaltningsområderFiskeri og kystBioøkonomiSektorovergripende bioøkonomiResponsible Research & InnovationRRI Utviklings- og prosessorienteringMatNanoteknologi/avanserte materialerLTP3 Marine bioressurser og havforvaltningLTP3 Samfunnsikkerhet, sårbarhet og konfliktPortefølje Energi og transport