Helgeland extends over a large geographical area, the population lives scattered, health services are not always available in the local community, and people often have to travel long distances to access health care services - which can be very stressful. Many patients are transferred to hospital because no local health care services are available to provide specialized follow-up and treatment. Some also move to a town or nursing home to receive the necessary health care. New solutions are needed. The innovation project "Helserom [health room] Helgeland" aims to develop a new service model that ensures patients access to equal and tailored medical follow-up, treatment and emergency care in a local Health Room or at home. The Health Room is a specific room in a local community, for example in a District Medical Center, in a suitable room at the GP's office or in the nursing home, which contains medical equipment and technology and health personnel who provide patients, relatives, municipal health personnel ? both locally and from other municipalities ? and the specialist health service, new ways of interacting as well as flexible solutions for access to competence and equipment.
Local health care personnel will assist patients and relatives with receiving treatment and support through e.g., outpatient consultations with the specialist health care services or skills development through assistance from health care personnel from other municipalities. We believe that this model will contribute to improved quality of local follow-up as well as competence development among patients, relatives, and health personnel. It will also contribute to increased health literacy and reduce digital exclusion in the population by offering local support from trained personnel, suitable digital equipment, and high-quality network solutions.
The project is carried out by Helgeland Hospital Trust; the municipalities Brønnøy, Rødøy and Dønna as well as SINTEF and CheckWare. The service model will involve close collaboration between the municipalities' primary health service and the specialist health service through follow-up and treatment of patients and knowledge transfer. Local health care personnel will get decision support, professional guidance and training through digital solutions and distance follow-up from other health personnel, either from the hospital or from other municipalities. They should also be able to participate in digital communities that provide an experience of being part of a larger professional network.
The development process in the project will be user-centered, close to practice and co-creative. The service model will be evaluated with qualitative and quantitative research design. Possible effects are increased quality of life, increased health literacy, reduced number of admissions and reduced expenses in the health care system.
In the first months of the project period, we have worked with collaborative methods and anchoring. We will not only develop collaborative services, we will also use collaboration as a management structure and as a method in the development itself.
We started the development phase of the project with a digital workshop with health care personnel from the hospital and the municipalities, where all participants got to test a digital platform for collaboration. In this platform, every participant gave their input about expectations for the project and how they envisage their own contribution. The results showed a common understanding and vision that it is possible to offer equal health care services to all patients regardless of distance to hospital and the patient's digital skills. Desired benefits that were addressed by the participants were: Increased quality of health care services, equal offer of digitalized health care regardless of place of residence, increased patient security, better interaction between municipalities and hospitals, reduced travel time and travel costs, acceptance of the belief that digitization can increase quality, that we manage to find good financing models, and that the project will inspire further innovation in health on Helgeland. A visionary and illustrative quote from the workshop about what the project can achieve was: "That it is perceived as totally normal to visit the Health Room instead of going to the hospital".
Anchoring in management and the entire organization, both in municipalities and hospital, is a continuous and crucial task throughout the project to achieve our goal of developing a new service model suitable for rural areas. We have spent a lot of time in the project's initial phase on anchoring the idea, inspiring managers and health care professionals to get them motivated to be actively involved in the design process. We are planning a kick-off event in January 2022 in the recently established District Medical Centre in Brønnøy, which eventually will be used for piloting the service model.
Målet for innovasjonsprosjektet Helserom Helgeland er å utvikle en tjenestemodell som sikrer at pasienter på Helgeland får økt helsekompetanse og tilgang til likeverdig og tilrettelagt medisinsk oppfølging, behandling og akutthjelp i hjemmet eller i et lokalt Helserom. Helserommet er et konkret rom i et lokalsamfunn, for eksempel på legekontoret eller i en annen kommunal bygning, som inneholder medisinsk utstyr og teknologi som gir pasienter, pårørende, kommunalt helsepersonell – både lokalt og fra andre kommuner – og spesialisthelsetjenesten nye måter å samhandle på samt fleksible løsninger for tilgang til kompetanse og utstyr.
Bakgrunnen for prosjektet er utfordringer som finnes på Helgeland og i mange andre regioner i Norge: Lang reisevei til både primær- og spesialisthelsetjeneste, og spredt helsefaglig kompetanse på tvers av kommunene.
Ved å utnytte mulighetene for digital avstandsoppfølging, samhandling, kunnskapsoverføring og opplæring som eksisterer i dag, vil vi skape en modell som ivaretar alle innbyggerne – barn og unge, personer med psykiske lidelser og rusproblemer, skrøpelige eldre, personer med flere kroniske sykdommer etc.
Vesentlige FoU-utfordringer:
• Menneskeperspektiv: Pasientenes komplekse og varierende behov og helsepersonells ulike behov og forutsetninger som påvirker tjenestemodellen
• Organisasjon: Likheter og variasjoner i tjenesteforløp, aktører og organisatoriske enheter som bør være involvert i ulike forløp og nødvendige kontaktpunkt for å ivareta god avstandsoppfølging og samhandling. Krav til tjenesteforløp med kontaktpunkt, rutiner, prosedyrer og teknologi som legger til rette for tett samarbeid mellom ulike aktører i primær- og/eller spesialisthelsetjenesten.
• Teknologi: Krav til teknologi i avstandsoppfølging i samhandling mellom pasienter, primær- og spesialisthelsetjenesten.
• System: Strukturelle og fysiske rammebetingelser, nytteverdier, mulig gevinstrealisering, suksesskriterier og barrierer i de ulike organisasjonene.