0 antall prosjekter


Project establishment support for Eureka Eurostars proposal named DIGITEC-Hydro

This PES project will involve workshops with Ixion (external support for writing) and partners to develop the main concept of the proposal. This will involve research into related state of the art, existing solutions and the marked potential, development of work packages, budget, and presentation...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Telemark

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

PhysML workshop 2024

SINTEF Digital, and specifically the Analytics and AI group in the Mathematics and Cybernetics department, will organize a workshop in connection to the RCN-funded project “PhysML: Structure-based machine learning for physical systems” (project no. 338779). The workshop will be held at the Soria ...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference 2024

The conference is non-profit and will be organized at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The team has previously organised SCIA 2017, and NLDL 2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023, which received support for the events from NFR and were successes. The group has several projects ongoing related to ICT ...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Muliggjørende teknologier fra norske FoU-institusjoner

Arrangementet tar sikte på å etablere en arena der muliggjørende teknologier fra norske FoU-institusjoner blir presentert for et relevant publikum. Arrangementet vil inneholde presentasjoner av nye teknologier, panelsamtale med ledere av TTOer, universitet og næringsliv, samt fokus på nettverksby...

Tildelt: kr 80 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

37th Intl. Workshop on Description Logics

The International Workshop on Description Logic (DL) is the major annual event of the description logic research community, which is an integral part of the knowledge representation and artificial intelligence (AI) communities. The «DL workshop» is a prestigious event that has been held annually ...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Vestland

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Support application for the 12th Colour and Visual Computing Symposium 2024 (CVCS 2024)

The Colour and Visual Computing Symposium 2024 (CVCS 2024) will take place in Gjøvik, Norway, on 5th and 6th of September 2024. This will be the twelfth time that The Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory (Colourlab) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) organize...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Quarts Enrichment Enabling Net-Zero Silicon Production

The project consists of 7 interrelated work packages: WP1 Preliminaries and development planning WP2 Recovery process for quartz WP3 Sustainable silicon production WP4 System validation WP5 Environment and project collaborations WP6 Communication, dissemination and exploitation WP7 Project manage...

Tildelt: kr 49 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


High Temperature Plasma for Converting Industrial Byproducts into Critical Raw Materials

Critical Raw Materials (CRM) are in the political spotlight due to their key role in the green and digital transition and geopolitical developments. The European CRM value chain is threatened by limited availability, high prices and dependence on few suppliers, specially from China and other thir...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Vestland


Resource efficiency breakthroughs for industrial processes

Brief description of what will be done in the PES project (3–4 lines): In the PES project, we will develop a single stage EU project proposal for submission to the call Topic HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-41 Breakthroughs to improve process industry resource efficiency (Processes4Planet pa...

Tildelt: kr 69 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Oslo


Switching off Neuropathic Pain–a chronic and globally unmet NEED affecting 100M+ patients–with a tried-&-tested drug family: EGFR-inhibitors

Neuropathic pain (NeuP) results from direct nerve damage. It is an intense and often chronic form of pain with burning, lancinating and electric characteristics. It impacts significantly on the physical, emotional, and economic well-being of sufferers. With increasing prevalence rates already in ...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Oslo


Enhancing European Battery Chain Sustainability

The tasks mainly are office-based activities and meetings with the consortium coordinator, partners and consultancy company.

Tildelt: kr 49 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Oslo


AI Fundraising

An AI-driven software that supports the investment process and investor startup dialogue with "augmented" VC and lean fundraising tools. AI Fundraiser will be both a AI-driven co-pilot working as a - fundraiser and investment manager for VC funds - fundraiser for tech startups - matchmaker bet...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Oslo


PES: Quartz Enrichment Enabling Net-Zero Silicon Production - QUEEN

Our objective in the EU project is to pioneer a more effective and environmentally friendly alternative process for producing high-purity quartz (metallurgy grade quartz) for production of MG-Si. The project first aim to test and screen some SiO2 sources in order to identify alternatives raw mat...

Tildelt: kr 69 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Agder

NANO2021-Nanoteknologi og nye materiale

Recent advances on cellulose nanotechnology research - production, characterization and applications

Konferansen “Recent advances on cellulose nanotechnology research - production, characterization and applications” vil bli arrangert hos RISE PFI i Trondheim 11. - 12. September 2024. Dette blir niende gang konferansen arrangeres. Den første gangen var i 2006. Konferansen tar for seg alle sider v...

Tildelt: kr 0,10 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Sustainable Electronics for Energy Harvesting Applications

The PES funds will be essential to maximising the chances of succeeding with the application to the Eurostars call. The funding will enable ONiO to lead the preparation (engaging international partners, writing and submission) of a solid proposal in challenging R&D topics and pitched towards a co...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Oslo


EUROSTARS PES - Next Generation Snow and Water Surveillance System

The partners, Intoto (NO), Wegaw (CH) and Deltares (NL), will deliver a next generation snow and water surveillance system, applying novel sensors and extracting synergies between satellite data and in-situ data. The need to enhance hydropower regulation capability is crucial as new challenges a...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Agder

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Extending Tractability Bounds: Logic and Structure for Algorithms

The project aims to establish long-term scientific cooperation in Theoretical Computer Science between the Algorithms Research Group of the Department of Informatics of the University of Bergen (UiB) and the Algorithms, Graphs and Combinatorics (AlGCo) team of LIRMM (Laboratory of Computer Scienc...

Tildelt: kr 80 000

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Vestland


Tillit og holdninger til forskning: årsaker og endring over tid

Forskning brukes som grunnlag for politiske beslutninger, og som grunnlag for folk når de skal danne seg meninger om politiske spørsmål. Senere års erfaringer har vist at høy forskningstillit ikke kan tas for gitt, og at tilliten blant annet er blitt utfordret av en økende politisering av forskn...

Tildelt: kr 4,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2026

Sted: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Business and Society in Challenging Spaces: The Role of ESG in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

This project formalizes an institutional collaboration between SUM (University of Oslo) and KEDGE, two leading European spaces for research on the changing role of the private sector in society. This multi-disciplinary engagement will take the initial form of four exchange visits, two by SUM rese...

Tildelt: kr 80 000

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2025

Sted: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

Gender equality through sustainable work life for leaders and coaches in sport

This collaborative and cross-cultural project responds to the European Union initiatives and the International Olympic Comitees objective for increasing gender equality in sport. Worldwide, women in top leadership positions in sports is reported to be 8.4–20% for coaches and 10-30% for leaders. E...

Tildelt: kr 0,10 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2025

Sted: Oslo

IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. Norge Frankrike

DASGEO: Artificial Intelligence investigation of Geo-mass movements using Distributed Acoustic Sensing

In a recent study, researchers from NORSAR and ITES - University of Strasbourg worked on how to use machine learning to deal with big data coming from DAS-based geological monitoring. This study was led by joint master’s student M. Donnadille was focusing on the use of machine learning to learn h...

Tildelt: kr 39 000

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2025

Sted: Akershus

INNOFFARENA-Innovasjonsarena for stat og kommune

Inntektssikring: Hva kan vi lære av andre lands borgerlønnseksperimenter?

Konferansen vil gå over en dag og involvere forskere, brukere (i form av representanter for ulike organisasjoner) og politikere. Programmet tar utgangspunkt i dagens og framtidens utfordringer for det offentlige inntektssikringssystemet: 1) En over tid høy og dels økende andel mottakere av helser...

Tildelt: kr 79 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Oslo

UTENRIKS-Internasjonale forhold - utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk og norske interesser

UKRAINETT PLUS: Research collaboration and knowledge sharing Norway – Ukraine

The UKRAINETT PLUS network expands the scope of an already established cross-disciplinary Norwegian network for research on Ukraine, UKRAINETT. It establishes and strengthens formalised collaboration with Ukraine-based research institutions and individual researchers as well as with Ukrainian res...

Tildelt: kr 4,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2026

Sted: Oslo


Antarktisseminaret 2024

Antarktisseminaret 2024 vil bli det femte i rekken av denne seminarrekken som har som målsetning å skape faglig møteplass for det antarktisforskere i Norge. Det skal gjennomføres i Tromsø 7.-8. mai 2024, og det forventes deltakelse på i underkant av 100 personer. Antarktisseminaret er i dag den e...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa


Arctic Security Conference 2024

Arktiske sikkerhetsforhold blir stadig mer spent. I tiden etter Russlands invasjon av Ukraina har avskrekking i stor grad tatt over for dialog og samarbeid i nordområdene, noe som har resultert i økt militær aktivitet og tilfeller av sabotasje og provokasjon. Samtidig har debatten om de geopoliti...

Tildelt: kr 0,15 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Akershus


PES for Integrated process for energy and battery material production

Se teksten i word

Tildelt: kr 0,14 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Akershus


EcoUpgrade EU, Eurostars, PES

The overall objective of the Eurostars EcoUpgrade EU project is to develop, and pilot test an AI tool that equips construction professionals and providing property owners with clear, actionable information about their renovation decisions and benefits in compliance with EU regulations such as the...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Rogaland


Open edge to cloud continuum for EU digital sovereignty

The PES funds will be key to maximize the chances of succeeding with the application to the Horizon Europe call (topic entitled “Piloting emerging Smart IoT Platforms and decentralized intelligence”). The funding will enable ONiO to actively support the Coordinator organization (a research instit...

Tildelt: kr 49 999

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Oslo

IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

Fast uncertainty estimation in deep learning applied to object recognition in sonar images

I dagens samfunn øker mengden av data raskt, samtidig som datamaskinene har blitt stadig mer effektive og nå kan analysere og utnytte slike store datamengder i sann tid. Dette har ført til mange nye hjelpemiddel i hverdagen som for eksempel selvkjørende biler, beslutningsstøtte for leger, automat...

Tildelt: kr 4,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2027

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Democratic Innovations for the Age of Climate Change

The 2024 Arne Næss symposium features David Van Reybrouck, one of the most exciting Belgian historians, writers and climate activists. Van Reybrouck is an internationally acclaimed author of Congo: The Epic History of a People, which won 19 prizes and has been translated into a dozen languages. ...

Tildelt: kr 0,15 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2024-2024

Sted: Oslo