0 antall prosjekter

KLINISK-Klinisk forskning

Does fusion lead to increased adjacent level disc degeneration in patients with chronic low back pain. An international collaborate project.

There is controversy as to whether fusion of one or more motion segments of the spine results in accelerated degeneration of the adjacent segment over time. Some argue that adjacent segment is exposed to increased mechanical stress, which accelerates disc degeneration, whilst others maintain tha...

Tildelt: kr 3,9 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2011

Sted: Oslo

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Tools and Techiques for Global Leadership Development in Norwegian MNEs

Norwegian firms in all industries are increasingly investing in value generating activities abroad. This project is aimed particularly at those Norwegian multinational enterprises (MNEs) that contain knowledge-rich subsidiaries. These are faced by the cha llenge of how to utilize those knowledge-...

Tildelt: kr 5,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Vestland

NORKLIMA-Klimaendringer og konsekvenser for Norge

Response of tropical Atlantic surface and intermediate waters to changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation - "RETRO"

Resolving tropical thermocline dynamics, and intermediate- and deep water variations will help elucidate the specific mechanisms linking the high and low latitude ocean. Variations driven by changes in MOC or through the ocean are best resolved with therm ocline, intermediate and deep waters prox...

Tildelt: kr 4,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Vestland

HAVKYST-Havet og kysten

DEECON - Unravelling population connectivity for sustainable fisheries in the Deep Sea (EuroDEEP)

Over-exploitation of traditional coastal stocks has resulted in the shift of commercial harvesting towards less-known, deep-sea living resources in many parts of the world. Most of these "new" fisheries are now proving to be unsustainable. A key to our ab ility to manage these fisheries and prote...

Tildelt: kr 3,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Oslo

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT

Ressursnettverk: Universell Utforming og IKT

I Stortingsmelding nr. 17 2006/2007 (IKT-meldingen) formuleres det som en målsetning for regjeringen at all teknologisk utvikling med IKT innen offentlig sektor skal bygge på universelt utformede løsninger. Videre oppfordrer regjeringen privat sektor til å gjøre det samme. Universell utforming ge...

Tildelt: kr 2,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Oslo

VERDIKT-Kjernekomp.og verdiskaping IKT


Fri programvare representerer det raskest voksende segmentet i programvaremarkedet. Gartner Group antar at dette markedet vil 8 dobles på 5 år og vil vokse til 1/5 av det totale programvaremarkedet i 2008. EU gjennomførte nylig en kartlegging av verdiskap ning knyttet til fri programvare i Europa...

Tildelt: kr 1,6 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Oslo

MILJØ2015-Norsk miljøforskning mot 2015

FORURENS: Reduced pesticide loads and risks in cropping system

Sustainable agriculture requires that soil, water and air quality are maintained. Pesticides have routinely been found in surface waters receiving agricultural runoff, particularly after heavy autumn/spring rainfall. There are practical ways to ensure tha t risks to the environment are minimized ...

Tildelt: kr 6,2 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2011

Sted: Akershus

KLINISK-Klinisk forskning

Stimulating self-management in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome through web-based situational feedback

Self-management of chronic pain is increasingly seen as an important tool in providing adequate care to patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) and other types of Chronic Non-malignant Pain. Enhancing the patient's self-management of his condition is th ought to be effective in reducing pain an...

Tildelt: kr 3,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Oslo

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Plain building - plain sailing? Exploitation of knowledge in the building and construction industry

The project analyzes how knowledge is utilized in the building and construction industry, in order to find out why existing knowledge is underutilized. The project is carried out by NIFU STEP in collaboration with BI, Veidekke, BNL and other firms and org anisations in the building and constructi...

Tildelt: kr 11,3 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Oslo

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Biopolymer Engineering

The project is based on a multidisciplinary research platform with extensive industry co-operation to perform research on marine biopolymers and their microbially produced analogues, providing novel biomaterials, initially designed for drug delivery syste ms, tissue engineering, nutraceuticals an...

Tildelt: kr 24,6 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2013

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


Norsk produsert økologisk frukt til forbrukarane

AL Gartnerhallen og BAMA ynskjer å stette etterspurnaden etter økologisk frukt hjå sine kundar, og vi har sett oss som mål at minst 15 % av fruktomsettinga skal vere norskprodusert økologisk vare innan 2015, noko som er i tråd med regjeringa sitt mål. Der som Gartnerhallen/BAMA skal nå dette måle...

Tildelt: kr 5,3 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Oslo

FRIMEDBIO-Fri prosj.st. med.,helse,biol

Medication assisted rehabilitation and crime; how do MMT affect crime rates and patterns?

It is still not known fully to which extent MMT offers crime reduction as a mean of harm reduction for heroin addicts in Norway. New knowledge of crime reduction patterns based on cross-registry studies and in-dept studies on crime patterns will give impo rtant new knowledge for program planners ...

Tildelt: kr 2,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Oslo

FRINAT-Matematikk og naturvitenskap

Environmentally Friendly Fungicides, Combinatorial Synthesis and Screening of Chitooligosaccharides

The research proposed in this project application complements ongoing activities on the use of chitooligosaccharides (CHOS) as environmentally friendly fungicides. CHOS inhibit chitinases, enzymatic systems that allows fungi to grow. The project focuses o n chemical approaches to production of fu...

Tildelt: kr 4,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2011

Sted: Akershus

DEMOSREG-Demokrati, styring og regional

Strategiske regioner i spenningsfeltet mellom demokratisk styring og effektivitet

Regionene har lenge vært et hett tema. Det gjelder så vel i diskursen omkring forvaltningspolitiske reformer som betingelser for utviklingen av bærekraftige regioner. Utgangspunktet for dette prosjektet er at det i skyggen av disse diskursene har grodd fr am et omfattende sett av samarbeidstiltak...

Tildelt: kr 3,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Nordland - Nordlánnda

DEMOSREG-Demokrati, styring og regional

Demokratisk styring i et flernivåsystem: Lokal oppfølging av nasjonal politikk i Norge

Demokratiet i en desentralisert nasjonalstat utspiller seg på flere nivåer; statlig, regionalt og kommunalt. I et slikt flernivå-demokrati oppstår spenninger mellom behovet for effektiv nasjonal styring og lokalpolitisk handlefrihet. På den ene siden er d esentralisering til lokal forvaltning men...

Tildelt: kr 5,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Oslo

DEMOSREG-Demokrati, styring og regional

Statlig styring og lokal iverksetting for en bærekraftig utvikling: En sammenligning av statlige incentiver for en kommunal klimapolitikk.

Hovedproblemstillingen er hvordan den statlige styringsformen påvirker valg av klima- og energistrategi på lokalt nivå. Prosjektet vil sammenlikne statlige virkemidler rettet mot kommunene med det formål å vurdere hvordan ulike former for statlig styring av det kommunale og regionale nivået påvir...

Tildelt: kr 2,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Oslo


How the environment affords physical activity in adolescents

Guidelines for physical activity address the importance of spatial and structural aspects of the environment to increase physical activity. Young people are a target group for action as their physical activity levels are decreasing with age, more in girls than in boys. Yet, we lack studies that ...

Tildelt: kr 2,8 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2011

Sted: Akershus

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

New materials and methods for placement of a thin layer cap on contaminated seabed

The Norwegian Ministry of the Environment identified remediation of contaminated sediments as important. The total release of contaminants to the fjord environment from larger areas with moderate contaminant levels can be greater than that from smaller ar eas with higher contaminant concentration...

Tildelt: kr 12,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2011

Sted: Oslo

NORKLIMA-Klimaendringer og konsekvenser for Norge

Arctic and sub-Arctic climate system and ecological response to the early 20th century warming - ARCWARM

This proposal will examine the climate changes, and the causes and ecological impacts of these changes in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions in the 20th century with focus on the early warming and cooling event (1920-1960). Time series of various climate p arameters and biological data including p...

Tildelt: kr 12,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Vestland

SAM-EU-Samfinansiering EU-kontoret

EFFORTS Effective Operation in Ports


Tildelt: kr 0,98 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2011

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SAM-EU-Samfinansiering EU-kontoret

ENEPO - EU Eastern Neighbourhood: Economic Potential and Future Development


Tildelt: kr 0,30 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Oslo

SAM-EU-Samfinansiering EU-kontoret

The competitiveness of firms, regions and industries in the knowledge-based economy: What room for job-rich growth in Europe (MICRO-DYN)


Tildelt: kr 0,37 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2012

Sted: Oslo

CLIMIT-Forskning, utvikling og demo av CO2-håndtering

Thermophysical properties of CO2/H2O mixtures Condensation processes relevant for oxy-fuel cycles

Condensers for separation of CO2 and steam are central devices in oxygen-fired power plants with CO2 capture, so called Oxy-Fuel processes. The project aims at studying the fluid flow dynamics, the heat transfer process, and the condensation process for C O2/H2O mixtures in order to provide neces...

Tildelt: kr 3,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Rogaland

NANOMAT-Nanoteknologi og nye materialer

Development of novel sonosensitive liposomes for targeted ultrasound mediated drug delivery - a new paradigm within cancer therapy.

A serious limitation of conventional chemotherapy is the unspecific distribution of cytotoxic drugs within the body resulting in reduced therapeutic efficacy and systemic side effects. In contrast, cytotoxic drugs formulated as nanoparticulate or liposoma l delivery systems favour accumulation in...

Tildelt: kr 8,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2011

Sted: Oslo

NANO2021-Nanoteknologi og nye materiale

Modeling and Fabrication of Nanowire Lasers

Semiconductor NWs are of both large fundamental and technological interest and have generated enormous interest worldwide in the past few years. These free-standing NWs are usually obtained by epitaxial growth on semiconductor surfaces with predeposited m etal nanoparticles. The NW diameter is fi...

Tildelt: kr 10,1 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2013

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SFI-Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon

FACE - Multiphase Flow Assurance Innovation Centre

Flerfaseforskning i Norge strekker seg tilbake til 1980-tallet da utviklingen av felter som Ekofisk, Statfjord og Gullfaks ble igangsatt. Disse feltene stilte helt nye krav til kontroll på flyt av flerfase gass og væske i rørledningene og nye, lange trans portledninger med gass og kondensat ble i...

Tildelt: kr 80,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2015

Sted: Akershus

FRIMED-Klinisk medisin og folkehelse

Multi-modal imaging: The importance of fiber connections for cognitive function, brain activity and brain structure in research and clinic

The main objectives of this project are 1) integration of informations from different neuroimaging methods (diffusion tensor imaging [DTI], structural MRI, functional MRI [fMRI], event-related potentials [ERP]) and refined cognitive measures, 2) use these methods to understand the biological fou...

Tildelt: kr 2,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2011

Sted: Oslo

FRIMED-Klinisk medisin og folkehelse

Effects of Pregnancy, Lactation and Menopause on Bone Health

Fragility fractures are a common public health problem particularly in Scandinavia. The pathogenesis of bone fragility is multi-factorial. Two factors will be studied ? the effect of pregnancy and menopause. Whether pregnancy and lactation result in bo ne loss is not clear, and if so, whether ...

Tildelt: kr 3,1 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

S-AFRIKA-Program for forskningsamarbeid med Sør- Afrika

Witwatersrand Central Basin Mine Water Apportionment Pilot Study

NIVA and CGS are to embark on a pilot study to develop methodologies and techniques to determine ecological footprints and volumetric contributions for apportioning liability for sustainable management of pollution and water ingress into underground gold mine openings of the Witwatersrand Central...

Tildelt: kr 0,77 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2010

Sted: Oslo

IPY-Det internasjonale polaråret 2007/2008

The Artic Eye

The TV-documetary will show the scientific methodes and results from some of the science programs going on at NY Ålesund, Svalbard. I will stress that this is a marginal place for life and thats why it is an eye for what is going on when it comes to pollu tion and climate change. (se the main te...

Tildelt: kr 0,25 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2007-2009

Sted: Oslo