0 antall prosjekter

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Aluminium Components Design Loop Software

The highest level of accuracy in a finite element code is gained by using solid element technology. It is only this modelling condition that can account for multi-axial stress states and then fully take advantage of advanced material models at all scales. However, traditional solid element techn...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Agder

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Closed Loop Process Control for Integrated Industrial Processes to create measuring of carbon footprint based on online measurement

Establish a Horizon 2020 project under the Call SPIRE-01-2014 - Sustainable process industries - Topic Integrated Process Control. The project will be established in cooperation with Ketek, Finland, Datarangers, Finland, North East of England Process In dustry Cluster, SIRRIS Belgium and selec...

Tildelt: kr 39 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Telemark

DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk

System for plugging og sementering av gamle oljebrønner

I forbindelse med oljeutvinning er det mange oljefelt som er i ferd å bli gamle og som om få år ikke vil være økonomisk drivverdige. Når oljefeltene skal stenges ned og forlates må alle oljebrønner inn i reservoarene plugges forsvarlig. Det er et krav at alle oljebrønner som skal stenges og forl...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Vestfold

DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk

Technology Demonstration and Verification for Removal of Sulphate and Salts: SWIT-SUL/SAL from Seawater at the Seabed

This "Forprosjekt" is to pave the way for a larger DEMO2000 project in April - described below: The ability to inject low salinity water into reservoirs has in some cases shown to significantly increase the recovery factor of the oil in place in a reservo ir. The removal of sulphate ions from inj...

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Rogaland

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

H2020-Smart Neighborhood Markets

Changes in the current retail market for electricity reflect a bottom-up paradigm and perspective change regarding electricity market concepts, placing energy consuming buildings and consumers/prosumers in the center. The project will investigate this par adigm shift and its impact on the future ...

Tildelt: kr 0,37 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Østfold

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Activity Based Monitoring of Agronomy with Earth Observation

Det tas det sikte på å etablere prosjekt i utlysningen H2020-EARTH OBSERVATION (EO)-1-2014: New ideas for Earth-relevant space applications. Dette er den første utlysningen i Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEIT) - Space. Planlagt pr osjektform er Research and innovation act...

Tildelt: kr 59 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Vestland

DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk

Dreamliner pilot well qualification for Smørbukk Sør application

Fishbones Dreamliner Hovedmålet med prosjektet er å kvalifisere Fishbones Dreamliner teknologien for bruk i Nordsjøen samt internasjonale applikasjoner. Fishbones Dreamliner prosjektet er en videreutvikling av den allerede kommersialiserte teknologien som baseres på jetting. Fishbones Dreamliner...

Tildelt: kr 2,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Rogaland

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Coping with Climate: Assessing Policies for Climate Change Adoption and Transport Sector Mitigation in Indian Cities

CLIMATRANS-prosjektet er et multi-teoretisk og tverrfaglig prosjekt innen samfunnsvitenskap (økonomi, statsvitenskap, sosiologi og planlegging) og naturvitenskap (meteorologi og ingeniørfag). Prosjektets utforming har vært å svare på prosjektets mål; å vurdere klimaendringer og miljøpåvirkning kn...

Tildelt: kr 6,9 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2019

Sted: Oslo

DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk

An advanced software tool for holistic environmental impact assessment that fulfills the needs of integrated management

Når nye områder skal åpnes for olje og gassutvinning er det viktig å kunne forutsi mulige samlede effekter og konsekvenser på marine økosystemer. Vi trenger derfor sofistikerte modeller for å simulere mulige utfall av eventuelle oljeutslipp. Det er spesie lt viktig å kunne si noe om effekter av o...

Tildelt: kr 1,9 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2016

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

ENERGIX-Stort program energi


Det felles Svensk-Norske El-Sertifikatmarkedet trådte i kraft 1. Januar 2012. Dette markedet er Norge og Sveriges sentrale støttemekanisme for å nå de respektive fornybarmålene gitt av EU?s fornybarhetsdirektiv. Målet for markedet er at Norge og Sverige sammen skal øke produksjonen fra fornybar...

Tildelt: kr 1,1 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Oslo

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

FCH JU High temperature electrolyser with novel proton ceramic tubular modules of superior efficiency, robustness, and lifetime economy

High temperature electrolysers produce H2 efficiently utilising electricity from renewable sources and steam from solar, geothermal, or nuclear plants. CO2 can be co-electrolysed to produce syngas and fuels. The traditional solid oxide electrolyser cell (SOEC) produces wet H2 at the steam side. E...

Tildelt: kr 2,8 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2018

Sted: Oslo

TRANSPORT-Transport 2025

Unregistered Transport - Mobility, Safety and new Technologies

Det er lite kunnskap om trafikkomfang og ulykker når det gjelder fritidsaktiviteter i Norge. Hvor mye folk går, sykler, kjører båt, snøscooter osv. vet vi lite om. Grunnen er at mye av denne aktiviteten ikke trenger formell godkjenning gjennom førerkort osv. Det er dermed lite systematisk registr...

Tildelt: kr 3,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2017

Sted: Oslo

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

FCH JU High temperature electrolyser with novel proton ceramic tubular modules of superior efficiency, robustness, and lifetime economy

High temperature electrolysers produce H2 efficiently utilising electricity from renewable sources and steam from solar, geothermal, or nuclear plants. CO2 can be co-electrolysed to produce syngas and fuels. The traditional solid oxide electrolyser cell (SOEC) produces wet H2 at the steam side. E...

Tildelt: kr 2,7 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2017

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

PES GEO GNSS driven EO and Verifiable Image and Sensor Integration for mission-critical Operational Networks

The project submission deadline is 2014-04-03. The main type of call is Innvation Action (IA). This PES shall cover expenses of submitting the application. Most costs will be hours, but travel may also be required to align the partners/application. In t he event of successful application, AnsuR...

Tildelt: kr 0,30 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Akershus

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Diving ecology and migration of a capital breeder, the common eider

The aim of this project is to investigate how migration and seasonal conditions affect the diving and foraging ecology of the common eider. Especially, it will focus on how day-length and temperature affects the diving frequency and the diving depth at di fferent times of the year, while being lo...

Tildelt: kr 79 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

WINter Benthic Activities

The goal of the present study is to characterize benthic communities' structure and activities during the polar night in Kongsfjorden, a fjord highly influenced by warm Atlantic water inputs, and to contrast them with the results observed for other season s in the same fjord.

Tildelt: kr 69 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon

Nordic Migration Research - nordisk forskernettverk

Forskningsområdet som omfatter internasjonal migrasjon, etniske relasjoner, transnasjonale nettverk, diskriminering, deltakelse i utdannings- og arbeidsmarkedet, medborgerskap, kultur, religion og menneskerettigheter har i de senere årene fått økt oppmerk somhet og betydning i Europa. Dette er et...

Tildelt: kr 41 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Oslo

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Detailed mapping of the active layer and top permafrost potential carbon release in central Svalbard. RiS ID:6650

The overall main objectives of the present work are to: (1) Investigate high potential SOC (soil organic carbon) areas where little data is available about permafrost and active layer carbon storage/release. Sites will be selected according to aerial pict ures study in landforms containing high a...

Tildelt: kr 30 013

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Reconstruction of past atmospheric circulation patterns along the coast of Norway and Svalbard during the last 2000 years

In order to distinguish the temporal-spatial effects of anthropologically induced changes on the climate system, there is an urgent need for better quantification of natural climate variability. This variability is controlled by the interaction between th e forcing and internal processes of the c...

Tildelt: kr 45 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Vestland

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Implications of ageing and urbanization in China for economic growth and climate

In the past three decades, most carbon emissions in China are from industrial production due to high investments and strong demand from the rest of the world. However, in recent years, the strong demand from the rest of the world slows down due to the rec ession of the world economy. At the same ...

Tildelt: kr 0,18 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Oslo

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Mapping and petrology of high-grade metamorphic rocks of Prins Karls Forland. RiS ID 6571

The application concerns an investigation of the Caledonian basement of Prins Karls Forland with a particular focus on high-grade metamorphic rocks (the Pinkie Formation). This project is a part of a PhD thesis, which focuses on the Svalbard's Southwester n and Northwestern Caledonian Basement Pr...

Tildelt: kr 76 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

The Role of Short-Lived Climate Forcers in the Global Climate Regime

De internasjonale FN-baserte klimaavtalene omfatter alle klimagasser, med noen få unntak. Det meste av innsatsen har imidlertid dreid seg om å kutte utslippene av CO2, den viktigste klimagassen. Fordi framdriften i dette arbeidet har vært dårlig, har de såkalte "kortlevde klimadriverne" blitt sat...

Tildelt: kr 15,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2018

Sted: Oslo

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Detailed mapping of the active layer and top permafrost organic carbon pool and potential carbon release in central Svalbard

In order to investigate spatial distribution and size of permafrost soil carbon pools in central Svalbard, soil samples will be taken in spring 2014. Data from earlier fieldwork (2013) is available to be combined into a detailed map of carbon pools for th e area, which has not been done before. T...

Tildelt: kr 52 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Svalbard

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

The characterization of glacier basal hydrologic systems

The objectives of this study are to deploy 4 (or more) high precision GPS instruments on 2 glaciers through the summer of 2014. Of particular importance is to determine how the basal hydrologic system reacts to perturbances caused from climatic forces, su ch as from the surface mass balance of th...

Tildelt: kr 49 070

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Oslo

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Svalbard reindeer and hunting - what are natural borders for management units

Svalbard reindeer are managed within fairly small management units. Local authorities are concerned that reindeer within the small management units may be subjected to overharvesting. In this project I will investigate the range use of individually GPS-ma rked Svalbard reindeer and see if the spa...

Tildelt: kr 39 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Akershus


E.ON Ruhrgas personal mobility grant

Please find my motivation letter attached

Tildelt: kr 35 000

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Ukjent Fylke

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Dietary responses in Svalbard reindeer to changes in winter climate

The Svalbard winter is heating up, with more frequent rain and icing. Icing reduces food access for Svalbard reindeer and may force them to seek alternative food, such as sea-weed. This project aims to explore reindeer diets in response to winter climate change. Through stable isotope analysis a...

Tildelt: kr 25 842

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2015

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

CLIMATE-LAND: Consequences of climate policies for multiple ecosystem services of semi-natural grasslands of the cultural landscape

CLIMATE-LAND prosjektet omhandler karbonlagring i naturbeitemark og betydningen av beite for klimapåvirkning. Arbeidet med alle fem arbeidspakker er gjennomført. WP.1: Det er foretatt en omfattende gjennomgang av internasjonal faglitteratur om karbonlagring i jord i grasmark og beitemark. Karbonl...

Tildelt: kr 7,6 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2019

Sted: Oslo

KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Cultural valuable buildings and climate change responses in a user perspective

CulClim - Cultural valuable buildings and climate change in a user perspective, er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Norsk Institutt for kulturminneforskning (NIKU) og SINTEF Byggforsk. Prosjektet er en del av "Folkets klimaforskning" hvor Forskningsrådet har fått folk til å definere spørsmål knyttet ...

Tildelt: kr 6,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2018

Sted: Oslo

SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Fertilisation and carbon sequestration on tundra heath RiS ID 6598

This project will investigate the impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisation on carbon storage and nitrogen fixation in tundra heath by revisiting a long term experiment established at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, in 1991. I will investigate the mechanisms by which, after almost two decades: (1) ...

Tildelt: kr 37 999

Prosjektperiode: 2014-2014

Sted: Svalbard