0 antall prosjekter

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Local and Global - Politics and Practices of Memory Cultures in Europe


Tildelt: kr 49 999

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2009

Sted: Oslo

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in small scale cheese production


Tildelt: kr 79 999

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2009

Sted: Akershus

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Arctic Sea Ice and its representation in ESMs


Tildelt: kr 19 999

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2009

Sted: Vestland

SAM-EU-Samfinansiering EU-kontoret

Fisheries-induced Evolution


Tildelt: kr 0,83 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2013

Sted: Vestland


Pain Detector E4260

Med-Storms unique Pain Detector is the only medical device available for recording and quantify pain during pain management. The clinical and technical development of the Pain Detector will address the demand for the mandatory pain recording and treatmen t in the US. Pain is difficult to manage ...

Tildelt: kr 1,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2011

Sted: Oslo

VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon

Strengthening of International Cooperation at IMER-Bergen

The project supports two network activities of importance to IMER/UiB, NORDIMER and Metropolis International. NORDIMER is a Nordic network of institutions and researchers in the IMER field, and will serve to enhance research cooperation, and also facilit ate the training of researchers. IMER/UiB...

Tildelt: kr 0,22 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2011

Sted: Vestland

TJENESTER-Helse- og omsorgstjenester


Economic evaluation is increasingly used for priority setting in health care. Almost any health care programme has elements of improvements in survival time (longevity) or health related quality of life (HRQoL). With respect to time, the current standard methods for economic evaluation assume tha...

Tildelt: kr 4,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2012

Sted: Oslo

SYKEFRAVÆR-Forskn.om årsaker til sykefrav

Absenteeism in Norway - Causes, Consequences, and Policy Implications

The project aims at examining the driving forces behind absenteeism and health-related temporary and permanent exits from the labour market. The project is primarily empirical, with an emphasis on quasi-experimental evaluation techniques. It exploits merg ed administrative register data that have...

Tildelt: kr 9,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2013

Sted: Oslo

INNOKUNN-Kunnskapsgrunnlaget for innovasjonspolitikken

Identifying the effects of publicly funded, user-oriented R&D

Identifying causal effects Selection bias is the main challenge when estimating the effect of a government program. Jaffe (2002) suggests a solution that builds on a socalled regression discontinuity design. This requires data on how the granting agency has ranked or evaluated the applicants. ...

Tildelt: kr 1,4 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2010

Sted: Oslo

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

Genomics in Aquaculture - International symposium at the Bodø University College

Aquaculture genomics has potential applications in improving performance traits, including increased disease resistance and growth rate. The number of genomic resources available for species of commercial interest has been increasing at a remarkable pace. These include framework genetic linkage ...

Tildelt: kr 0,20 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2010

Sted: Nordland - Nordlánnda

TJENESTER-Helse- og omsorgstjenester

The Impact of Pain on Behavioural Disturbances in Patients with Moderate and Severe Dementia. A Cluster Randomized Trial

Worldwide, 24 mill. people have dementia (70000 in Norway) with expected doubling in 30 years. The prevalence of dementia in nursing homes (NH) is 80%, often (60%-80%) combined with behavioural/psychiatric disturbances (BPSD). Additionally, about 80% of N H-patients have pain, which seems to incr...

Tildelt: kr 2,9 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2011

Sted: Vestland


4353 Environmently-friendly technology for collagen production from freshwater fish by-products

The main research and development work in the project includes: 1) technological research for development of technique for high-yield extraction of collagen from freshwater fish by-products using environmental-friendly regents, 2) technological research f or development of technique for purificat...

Tildelt: kr 0,90 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2011

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Arts-Know: Assessing the contribution of the arts to be development of key competences for youmg people in a European konwledge society


Tildelt: kr 63 051

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Vestland

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

31854 Ny behandling av sykdom i små perifere blodårer


Tildelt: kr 80 750

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Oslo

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

24146 Utvikling, testing og evaluering av sykkelheiser i Trondheim


Tildelt: kr 42 400

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

31674 Tradløs Bio sensor for stressmåling


Tildelt: kr 0,17 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Oslo

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

34868 Produktutvikling, uttesting og produktdemonstrasjon til forbruker og ingrediensmarkedet


Tildelt: kr 65 200

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

23550 VivID AS


Tildelt: kr 66 850

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Akershus

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

30360 Ingvill M. Stedøys Matematiske Koffert


Tildelt: kr 41 900

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Akershus

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

29479 Antioksidanteffekter


Tildelt: kr 25 000

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Oslo


Ramm, Joachim eonr øknoomi kat 1


Tildelt: kr 70 000

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke

VAM-Velferd, arbeid og migrasjon

Trygdeforskningsseminaret 2008

Årets seminar vil ha lignende organisering som tidligere års seminar, dvs. med 5-8 plenumsforedrag av fremstående sosial-, velferds- og trygdeforskere. Det vil også bli organisert parallellsesjoner der norske forskere kan legge frem sine prosjekter for or ientering og diskusjon av resultater, teo...

Tildelt: kr 19 999

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2009

Sted: Oslo

FUNN-3-Tilskudd til ulønnet FoU-innsats

30296 MDS fullversjon, med lager system


Tildelt: kr 23 300

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2008

Sted: Vestland


Mo, Lise Landsverk eonr rett 08/09


Tildelt: kr 0,10 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2009

Sted: Ukjent Fylke

SYNKNØYT-Progr.f.synkrotron- og nøytron

Multi-technique probing of catalytic reactions at real working conditions

This proposal is a project aiming at strengthening the current upgrade of the Swiss-Norwegian Beamline B-station from a standard X-ray diffraction (XRD) and absorption spectroscopy (XAS) beamline to a state-of-the-art beamline for in situ/operando catalys is experiments. XAS and XRD are the techn...

Tildelt: kr 2,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2012

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


The effect of parental alcohol and drug abuse on children's future psychiatric disorders: modes of influence

There is irrefutable evidence for the fact that children of alcohol and substance abusing parents (ASAP) suffer a long range of mental health problems. Identifying potential adverse effects of ASAP on children's development is important for variety of rea sons, including legitimating societal res...

Tildelt: kr 5,1 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2011

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

TJENESTER-Helse- og omsorgstjenester

Participation and agency when ageing in place.

Summary Based on the policy ideal of being able to remain at home while ageing the program will explore what living at home implies for elderly people and the supporting services regarding participation. Ageing usually implies functional decline, and a va riety of interventions have been develope...

Tildelt: kr 4,5 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2013

Sted: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

VRI-Virkemidler for regional innovasjon

Utvikling av matkulturell kompetanse og innovasjon i Gudbrandsdalen

Gudbrandsdalsmat (GMBA) er en sammenslutning av 23 matprodusenter i Gudbrandsdalen som skal lede prosjektet Utvikling av Matkulturell kompetanse og innovasjon i Gudbrandsdalen. Østlandsforskning (ØF) er FoU-partner. Prosjektet innebærer en betydelig invol vering av produsentene. Målet er å framb...

Tildelt: kr 1,2 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2012

Sted: Innlandet

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

Indo-Norwegian platform on fish and shellfish vaccine development

Infectious diseases have a significant impact on the sustainability of the aquaculture industry, that being in finfish or shellfish/shrimp production environments. The subsequent use of antibiotics, drugs, and chemical disinfectants cause concern at all l evels. The succesful vaccines for salmon ...

Tildelt: kr 44,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2013

Sted: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

HAVBRUKS-Havbruk - en næring i vekst

InNoVacc. Indo-Norway platform for developing candidate vaccines to invertebrate, piscine and avian species.

Vaccination is essential to large-scale control of infectious diseases affecting commercial aquatic and avian farming. Nevertheless, modern aquaculture lacks effective vaccines against several pathogens due to lack of understanding of their immune system and development of effective immunostimula...

Tildelt: kr 33,0 mill.

Prosjektperiode: 2008-2013

Sted: Oslo