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MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Concerted European action on Sustainable Applications of REFractories

Tildelt: kr 1,5 mill.

Refractory materials are key enablers for high temperature industries such as Iron & Steelmaking (I&S). Refractories are sophisticated materials designed and optimized to sustain severe operation conditions inducing complex combinations of thermo-mechano-chemical damage mechanisms. Nevertheless, refractory material consumption has been reduced over the last 50 years from more than 35 kg of refractories per ton of steel to about 10 kg/t in the European steel industry, while keeping safety of the utmost importance. The movement of the I&S industry towards Net-Zero emissions and digitalized processes through disruptive, breakthrough technologies will be achieved through the use of Hydrogen. The biggest challenge for the refractory industry is to continue to meet the performance expectations while, at the same time, moving to a more sustainable production direction. The complexity and urgency of these technology changes, highlighted by the European Green Deal, requires a Concerted European Action on Sustainable Applications of REFractories (CESAREF). A consorted and coordinated European network with steel, refractory, raw material producers and key academic poles will tackle the following key topics: • Efficient use of raw materials and recycling, • Microstructure design for increased sustainability, • Anticipation of hydrogen steelmaking, • Energy efficiency and durability. While creating new developments in the I&S and refractory industries, the network will train highly skilled doctoral candidates capable of communicating and disseminating their acquired knowledge. CESAREF will create a core team across the European refractory value chain, accelerating the drive towards the European refractory industries push towards sustainable materials and processes, as well as Net-Zero emission Steel production. This will help to create and secure sustainable employment in the European refractory and I&S industries.


MSCA-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)


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