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F-GEO-Naturvitenskap, geofag

Paleo Environment and Climate History of the Russian Arctic - PECHORA

Tildelt: kr 0,50 mill.




2001 - 2004

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PECHORA (Paleo Environment and Climate History of the Russian Arctic) is a Russian-Norwegian interdisciplinary research project aiming to reconstruct the Late Quaternary history of the ice sheets, fauna, vegetation, climate and ice age humans during the l ast interglacial-glacial cycle. The disciplines involved include: geology, palaeo-zoology, palaeo-botany, palaeo-magnetism and archaeology. The research is based on comprehensive field investigations in Northern Russia. This include investigations of exposed sediment sections, Paleolithic sites and sediment cores from lake basins. Geomorphological mapping are based on interpretation of satellite images and aerial photographs. The results of the investigations are expected to give a better understanding of the Quaternary history of a large part of the Eurasian Arctic and also of some long term processes in the climatic system. The archaeological results will improve our knowled ge of the routes and timing of the early human migrations in Northern Europe.


F-GEO-Naturvitenskap, geofag

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