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F-FYS-Naturvitenskap, fysikk

Triaxiality and hyperdeformation in nuclei

Tildelt: kr 1,3 mill.

Our recent observation of the wobbling exitation mode never observed before, confirmed the stable triaxial shape of the nucleus 163Lu, predicted by theory for some time. This project focuses on understanding the consequence of nuclear triaxiali ty, including the full nature of the wobbling excitation mode and the search for it in the neighboring nuclei. In addition, other consequences of the breaking of axial symmetry of the nucleus will be studied. The first traces of hyperdeformation, predicted by theory for a very long time, might just have been observed in the nucleus 126Ba. A natural part of the project will be to actively participate in a planned search for this exotic shape, in whic h the nucleus is extremely elongated with a ratio of 3 between the length of the large and small principal axes. Experiments will be performed with the Euroball and Gammasphere spectrometers situated in Strasbourg and Berkeley (later Argonne), respectively. These instruments are regarded as the best tools available today for nuclear spectroscopy research. The analys is of data will be done in collaboration with the experimental nuclear structure group in Copenhagen and the results will be interpreted based on cooperation with various theoretical groups.


F-FYS-Naturvitenskap, fysikk

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