Through analysis of one main case, and 3-5 international comparative cases, this project seeks to identify and analyse the mechanisms by which attempts at establishing cross-disciplinary research groups succeed or fail. Cooperation between academic discip lines is often encouraged, but there is a need for carefull examining the processes that actually enables or hampers such a development.
While there is a considerable international literature on the subject, it is of interest to empirically analyse such a current process in a Norwegian context. The local, national and international contexts of such attempts are regarded as significant to their actual performance.
The project will study the institutional and organizational processes and contexts in which such attempts take place, as well as the opportunities and barriers provided by funding agencies, research policies and internal processes within academic desciplines.
The methods for data collection will consist of documentary sources, interviews and ob servations.
Using the methodological approach known as trailing research, the project will contribute to continual learning processes.
The project will publicize its findings in international peer-reviewed journals.