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MILJØ2015-Norsk miljøforskning mot 2015

SAMFUNN: How objects become manageable? - The cyborg fish and the management of cod in Canada, Norway and the European Union

Tildelt: kr 3,0 mill.

Through a study of the mangement of cod in Canada, EU, and Norway, based on insights and methodology from the sociology of science, in particular from actor-network theory (ANT), we adress the questions about how and under which preconditions fisheries m angement becomes possible and how fisheries management works. It starts out with a discussion about how fisheries management and science have transformed the natural and unmanagable object fish into a complex cyborg fish which can be managed. The project will describe the knowledge, the actions, the instruments, and institutions that participate in this transformation or translation, which is the term used in ANT, of nature and society, in this case represented by codfish and cod fishers, from unmanageabl e objects into manageable objects under control. Next, we describe how a complex network is built around this cyborg fish that is produced and all the translations that take place in this process that insitutionalises both science and management in societ y. We also describe the transformations of the cyborg fish that follows of all the disputes, controveries, and responses about and to fisheries management. Furthermore the project will answer why fisheries management have had success in translating natu re and society, but not in ending disputes about whether the management is sustainable or not.


MILJØ2015-Norsk miljøforskning mot 2015

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