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Predictors of changes in depressive symptoms, suicidality, and eating problems in adolescence and early adulthood

Tildelt: kr 0,69 mill.

Results are in conflict whether there has been an increase in adolescent internalizing problems (e.g. eating problems, depression, and suicidality) in the Western World during recent decades. Using identical procedures in 1992 and 2002, we ask whether sel f-reports of depressive symptoms, disordered eating, suicide attempts, and deliberate self harm have changed among Norwegian adolescents in this period. If changes have occurred, we will subsequently investigate whether changes in alleged risk or protecti ve factors could account for the increase or decrease in internalizing problems. We will also investigate whether such potential risk and protective factors prospectively and multivariately predict the respective internalizing problems.During the previous 10 years there has been a considerable increase in prospective studies on adolescent mental health, and new knowledge has been gained in this respect. However, there has been a comparative paucity in prospective studies on adult mental health. Moreover, we generally know fairly little about whether insights gained from emerging risk and predictors in adolescence can be extrapolated to the adult population, and about the developmental trajectories of internalizing problems from adolescence to adulthood – and their predictors. Further, there is some research on the adult outcome of adolescent internalizing problems. Unfortunately, the majority of these studies are limited to the early 20’s, a phase that resemble adolescence in many respects. We intend to o vercome these shortcomings in previous research by completing a 4th wave of data collection in the Young in Norway study. This is a prospective and nationally representative study of a very large sample that started in 1992. Excellent to very good respons e rates have been obtained. He study covers a wealth of information relevant do prospectively studying the change and stability of mental health problems. We propose for funding of this final data collection.



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