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NA - Development of a metabolomics project to study biomarkers in psychotic disorders as part of the TOP study

Tildelt: kr 0,14 mill.




2006 - 2008

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Metabolomics is a new technology platform allowing the comprehensive study of small molecules present in cells and body fluids. It has been earmarked as an important area to develop under the NIH Roadmap Initiative. The technology provides the examinatio n of the comprehensive metabolome, as well as particular biochemical pathway. The field of psychiatry is hampered by the lack of objective measurements, and there is a need for biological markers to gain more knowledge of pathophysiology and better diagno stic tools. In the prior work of the US group, analytical and informatics tools to identify metabolomic signatures for different CNS disorders is established. Liquid chromatography with electrochemical array detection was used to create a database of c a. 2500 analytes from plasma samples from controls and patients with neurodegenerative disorders, and distinct metabolomic profiles were discovered. We now intend to perform similar experiments in psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorders). Th e TOP study in Oslo has an organization for patient recruitment and biobanking, and the goal is to identify novel objective phenotypes. We intend to establish a protocol for collecting and analysing samples from psychotic patients. We will study differenc es in the metabolomic profiles between control subjects and psychotic patients treated with different antipsychotics. Furthermore, we would also study unmedicated patients to rule out possible drug effects. First we will run pilot studies to test out th e best sampling protocol and shipment procedures and refine the analytical protocol. Then we will perfom pilot studies of both medicated and unmedicated patients. If these are successful, they will be the basis for grant proposals to NIMH and RCN, and oth er research grant providers. Salary to PhD students will be included in the grant proposal. The innovative potential in this project is based on the development of biomarkers for the disorders.



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