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FRINAT-Matematikk og naturvitenskap

Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction

Tildelt: kr 3,5 mill.

The SUP focuses on fundamental problems of atmosphere-ocean interaction, and provides the opportunity to conduct the following in-depth investigations, covering a 3-4 year time frame: 1. Fundamental studies of atmosphere-ocean flux processes 2. Interannu al variability of surface fluxes and ocean heat storage In order to make knowledge on these topics available to the scientific and broader community at local, national/regional and international levels we propose in addition the following activity: 3. A tmosphere-ocean interaction seminars and information exchange The first subproject comprises theoretical and basic process modelling studies of the air-sea interface, and contributes primarily to objective A. Subproject 2 relates mainly to overall object ive B using atmosphere-ocean data sets from the past 50 years.


FRINAT-Matematikk og naturvitenskap