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HUM-Fagkomiteen for humaniora

Comparative Ethics of War

Tildelt: kr 5,2 mill.





2007 - 2010

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This project aims to develop a better understanding of how just war theories have been assessed within the world's leading religious traditions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. None of these traditions are static; each has undergone significant transformations over the course of time. This project and resulting publications will accordingly study what teachings have historically emerged within the leading religious traditions, with respect both to jus ad bellum and jus in b ello. The project will be multi-disciplinary, drawing on the work of philosophers, theologians, historians, theology, and specialists in comparative religion. In will draw on an international team of scholars, who will consider the following research ques tions: What are the key sources of the tradition's teaching about the use of force? How has the tradition's teaching changed over time? What are the key phases and who are the central figures in the evolution of this teaching? What does the tradition v iew as justifiable vs. unjustifiable rationales for resorting to force? In what measure can religious aims (e.g., the advancement or protection of religion) serve as a legitimate reason for using force? In general, how does the tradition promote restraint in the resort to violence? What rules has the tradition posited vis-à-vis the conduct of armed hostilities? Have kinds of military action been banned, and for what reasons? How has the tradition responded to important historical events: the rise and fall of empires, significant regional conflicts, world wars, etc. In what ways has the tradition been in dialogue with/responded to developments in other traditions? What are the points of convergence among the world's leading religious traditions wit h respect to their assessment of what constitutes a justified resort to armed force, as well as right conduct in wartime? What are the notable differences?


HUM-Fagkomiteen for humaniora