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USA - Norway: Bilateral Cooperation in Documentary Studies.

Tildelt: kr 50 000

USA - Norway Bilateral Cooperation in Documentary Studies. The project proposes a cooperation project between Department of Art and Media Studies, NTNU and Department of Film and Media Studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara, USA. The pr oject aims at coordinating efforts by researchers, post-doc-fellows and PhD-students at the two institutions in the field of documentary studies with emphasis on production values and distribution patterns of documentary film in the age of digital media c onvergence. 1. The project is relevant for the present strategic aims of the Department of Film and Media studies, especially in connection with the ongoing KIM project Digital Eye. Furthermore it is in harmony the strategic research policy of the Facult y of the Humanities at NTNU in their support of research on globalization issues. 2. Thus, the proposed cooperation project will represent a possibility to build on the present KIM project. 3. It will also open up for possible furture PhD and post-doc pr ojects.



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