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EUROPA-Europa i endring

The Transformation and Sustainability of European Political Order - EuroTrans

Tildelt: kr 26,3 mill.

The stability and viability of a political order depends on its ability to solve problems, to settle conflicts and disputes, and to obtain compliance and support from those subordinate to it. These are very different requirements - albeit ultimately co-de pendent. Capacity bereft of legitimacy is unstable and inefficient. Legitimacy bereft of capacity is futile. The research task is to analyse the different institutional designs and mechanisms of change. We will analyse the administrative and institutiona l nexus of political authority as well as existing patterns of cooperation and conflict, identities and loyalties. The research will be organised in four interrelated key areas that speaks to the main areas of the call: Mutually reinforcing and comprehens ive elucidation of the key research topics under theme 1, in addition to specific case studies conducted under themes 3 and 4 of the call: 1. The administrative-regulative dimension of political order: How is the emerging constellation of political order sustained in terms of executive organisation and decision-making across levels of governance and borders? 2. The constitutional-democratic dimension of political order. Can the new political order be sustained in democratic terms, and can it achieve con stitutional unity? 3. The cognitive-cultural dimension of political order. How is the emerging constellation of political order sustained in terms of historically significant and revitalised cultural knowledge? How are the 'Europe of knowledge' and the ' European public sphere' institutionalised? 4. The external dimension of political order. How does the emerging constellation of political order place itself as a political, humanitarian and economic power, and how does it relate to world order? The res earch will be conducted in a partnership with researchers from other disciplines and units, both nationally and internationally.


EUROPA-Europa i endring