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TU-Tungt utstyr

Single Crystal X-ray Instrumentation with He-Cryostat for the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bergen

Tildelt: kr 5,2 mill.

The department of chemistry at the university of Bergen needs to replace a scientifically and technically outdated as well as technically very unstable single crystal X-ray instrumentation. The current instrument presently burdens the department financial ly through frequent and expensive technical failures. The generally low performance of the instrument means that we have since long reached our maximum production level which is hampering not only any expansion but also the basic internal needs. We wish to replace this instrument with a CCD detector system of the same (large) size, but now far more faster, with lower noise level, higher sensitivity as well as being technically more stable over time and containing the latest crystallographic software feat ures. To further extend the effectiveness of the new instrumentation we wish to use a rotating anode as the source of X-rays, in combination with focussing optics. All to maximize diffraction power, resolution and to further decrease the average data acq uisition time. Finally, we wish to establish a technical platform also for low temperature studies on single crystalline solid state materials by adding an open-flow helium cryostat to this X-ray instrument. It is our firm belief that in addition to o ur own needs this will attract and serve the needs of the solid state community, nationally as well as internationally, inviting to, and establishing valuable collaborations within solid state science.


TU-Tungt utstyr

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