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FRIBIO-Biologi og biomedisin

EMBO Conference on the replication and segregation of chromosomes

Tildelt: kr 0,20 mill.

We will organise a high-quality scientific meeting to exchange information in the field of chromsome replication and segregation. This field of research is important for many reasons, for the fundamental understanding of the basic aspects of cellular grow th and proliferation as well as for an understanding of the diseases that occur when these processes are defective. For the conference we will invite the foremost international scientists in the field, and already a number of them have accepted our invit ation. In addition, we wish to make sure that the meeting does not become overly expensive for the younger scientists to attend. Hopefully, we can attract a number of young Norwegian scientists. The conference will take place at a yet undetermined place in the southern part of Norway. It is part of a "Conference series" sponsored by EMBO, and we have already secured a grant from EMBO.


FRIBIO-Biologi og biomedisin


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