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FORINFRA-Nasjonal sats.på forskningsinfrastrukt.

Preparatory project: Norwegian participation in MAX IV

Tildelt: kr 0,40 mill.

This proposal is related to the planned large-scale research infrastructure MAX IV decided to be built in Lund, Sweden. Norway has been invited as a partner in this facility. Currently, Norway is member of ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) th rough NORDSYNC. Moreover, Norway has been invited, and expressed interest, to participate in ESS (European Spallation Source) planned to be located in Lund . The present application represents a preparatory project in this context and has the following sp ecific goals: Develop plans for future research and active Norwegian participation in state-of-the-art X-ray facilities abroad, also seen in perspective of Norwegian plans for neutron-based research. Develop schemes for Norwegian participation in beam line development and other infrastructure Develop plans for a possible Norwegian participation in MAX IV through discussions with the MAX IV organisation Consider possible schemes for funding A scientific working group will be established with members f rom current and future user groups in Norway. The project is planned linked to the strategies of the relevant institutions (universities and research institutes) through a reference group consisting of leaders at the appropriate organisational level. Emph asis will be on how academia, research institutes and industry would benefit, within our major national strategic research areas, by competent use of the next generation of European large-scale facilities. The ambition is that this preparatory project w ill serve as a firm basis for an active involvement of Norwegian researchers in developing and utilization of MAX IV and other state-of-the-art X-ray facilities. The work will be coordinated with preparation for Norwegian neutron research activities assoc iated with ESS.


FORINFRA-Nasjonal sats.på forskningsinfrastrukt.
