In this seminar 25-26 May 2010 at the University of Bergen, four leading international feminist scholars working from within different disciplines and different geographical areas will discuss the current grounds for global/transnational feminist thought: Valentine Moghadam, Breny Mendoza, Chandra Talpade Mohanty and Oyeronke Oyewumi. In addition one Norwegian/Nordic keynote speaker will be invited in order to shed light on to what extent global/transnational/postcolonial feminism has influenced Norwegian feminist thought and research. There is also a call for papers (deadline 1st February 2010).
The seminar is a collaboration between the research network Gender Global in Bergen (initiated by Unifob Global and admininstred by Section for Gender and Devel opment, UiB), Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) UiB, and the Association for Womens Studies and Gender Research (FOKK) in Norway. Scholars from a wide range of disciplines and from various academic institutions in Norway, all with a common int erest of gender-related issues in a global perspective are invited to participate. Included in the budget is also 2 travelgrants to enable 2 researchers from the South to participate on the seminar.