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U2020-Norsk utdanningsforskning 2009-2018

Curriculum development in Norwegian Vocational Education, through new relations between work life and educational institutions

Tildelt: kr 0,14 mill.

The theme of this pre-project is collaboration on curriculum development between VET institutions at high school level, work life, and vocational teacher education. The development of new and specific forms of collaboration between these parties is suppos ed to be necessary to obtain relevant subject matter and content in vocational education. The pre-project will prepare an action research project intended to develop, test and document knowledge about collaborative organizational forms between work life a nd VET institutions. The intention is furthermore to obtain knowledge about relevant curriculum content in VET programs. The pre-project will prepare a 4 year main project practically, theoretically, and methodologically. A team of researchers is responsi ble for the preparations with the following objectives: - to clarify the supposed relations between knowledge and learning in formal vocational education and work life, and to situate this as a working hypothesis in relation to international research lit erature in the field - to relate different action research approaches to a broader spectre of literature, and on this basis make concrete plans for the following main project - to establish contact with actual partners in work life, vocational high school s and vocational teacher education


U2020-Norsk utdanningsforskning 2009-2018
