Formålet med foskerskolen COINS Research School of Computer and Information Security var å integrere norske forskergrupper innen informasjonssikkerhet til en større enhet. Dette skulle skje ved å samordne emneporteføljen for doktorstudenter, ved å knytte bånd mellom ph.d.-kandidater fra ulike institusjoner, og ved å øke studentmobilitet.
COINS jobbet mot disse målene med vinterskoler og sommerskoler som brakte sammen doktorstudenter og internasjonale foredragsholdere. Flere samlinger organisert av doktorstudenter bidro til nasjonal nettverksbygging. Internasjonal mobilitet ble støttet med individuelle mobilitetsstipend og med kurs i utlandet.
Nettverket økte transparens av norsk forskningsaktivitet innen informasjonssikkerhet og nådde fram til nesten dobbelt så mange doktorstudenter som opprinnelig spådd.
COINS achieved the goals expressed in the contract: Integration of several research groups into a larger cooperation; better educated PhD students; more efficient PhD education; international visibility and recruitment. Hosted by NTNU (originally Høgskolen i Gjøvik [HiG] that later merged with NTNU), 170 Ph.D. students enrolled in Ph.D. programmes at NTNU, UiA, UiB, UiO, UiS, UiT benefitted from COINS. COINS contributed to community building in information security research in Norway.
Forskningsrådet recently concluded in its evaluation of Research in Information and Communication Technology in Norway: "What the panel perceives as an insufficient national research focus in such areas as cyber security poses potential real threats to th e security of Norway ... As an area of national importance, it is recommended that Norway consider initiating a strategic effort to increase national competence in cyber security."
This application for a research school of Computer and Information Securi ty - COINS - addresses this need. The consortium assembles most academic research institutions in information security in Norway, augmented by industrial and international academic partners. Prominent tasks of the research school are to be shared training efforts through annual winter and summer schools in information security, practical security competitions, a Ph.D. student community building seminar, increased student mobility within the Nordic countries and internationally, exposure to renowned guest researchers. As well, a tighter integration of researcher education in small research groups will be pursued by drawing on offerings related to larger research groups in computer and information security.
Ph.D. training is the third cycle of the Bologna process and the first phase of an early-stage researcher's career. It constitutes the main link between the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area. Doctoral training needs to become better structured, more robust, closer coordinated with industry, and better marketed domestically and abroad. An important instrument in achieving these goals is the development of a "vertical" research school, focusing on the scientific benefits a collaboration within the field of information security can bring. More than 110 students will benefit.