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Studying abroad at Univeristy of Mannheim Spring 2013

Tildelt: kr 35 000





2013 - 2013

Midlene er mottatt fra:


I am studying abroad at university of Mannheim for one semester. At University of Mannheim I will do courses that can prepare me for an international career. I want to do a course on trade within EU and see how they teach this in a country such as German y in comparison to the EØS country Norway. I would also like to do a course on German business culture, as well as global marketing and international entrepenourship courses. I hope this will broaden my perspectives on how they do it in Germany and how to reach through and understand the cultural barriers that are present in the media and the rest of the business world. I am taking, and will continue to do some language courses and I will take some courses thought in German at the university, so that I can improve my business vocabulary. I also live in WG with Germans to maximize my usage of the language. The reason why I chose Mannheim is mainly due to their ranking as number one business school in Germany. I want to study at an academically good scho ol where I can challenge myself and feel achievement when I graduate with good results. I also hope to make connections to other highly qualified business students and potentially future work colleges.

