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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Multi sensor, multi platform, oil-spill detection and management

Tildelt: kr 99 999

The goal is to put together a consortium and write an application for H2020. Call id: H2020-BG-2015-2, -Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions-, Blue Growth: Unlocking the potential of Seas and Oceans, Research and innovation action. Dea dline: 2014-03-12 17:00:00 Together with our cosnsortium partners we will address the challenge of detecting and monitoring an oil-spill. About the project: Information from many sources and detectors are needed in order to get a complete and total ov erview of an oil-spill. Through sensor fusion we will provide comprehensive information on an oil-spill through all its phases, from initial oil-spill detection through cleanup operation to post cleanup verification. The goal is to provide early detecti on of oil-spill, monitor the development and spread of the oil-spill, provide required information for cleanup / oil-spill combat, predict spreading, verify cleanup and monitor long time environment effects. In order to achieve this different kind of sen sors are needed, different sensor platforms must be used and good models of oil-slick movement must be developed. Together this information will be input to sensor fusion algorithms. Finally, in order to be a practial tool in oil-spill combat, the data an d the calculations and simulations must be presented in an easily understandable format to decisionmakers and environmental protection response team. Challenges for the pre-project phase: - Finding the right partners in order to make a good response to the call. - Writing a good application that clearly identifies the strong technology advantages we are able to bring together into the consortium.


PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020