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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Trilotec PES - for application Phase 1 SME Instruments Project

Tildelt: kr 39 999

The project SME Instrument Phase 1 - Project establishment has a primary purpose of identifying the content and providing a framework for making a competitive and professional project application. We wish to describe how we plan to study whether the Tril obite micro and nano technology products can have potential commercial applications in treatment of seawater cooling systems for removing shellfish larvae. The technology is proven in the separation of microscale particles for fluid purification applicati ons in other fields such as bacteria and biological cancer cells. The establishment project has an estimated duration of 10 weeks. The most critical R&D challenges will be described in the application, of which we already have relevant data we can use. We shall also in the project establishment phase make contact with potential industrial customers such as oil and gas refineries, as well as NIVA and Havforskningsinstituttet, who have worked with defouling of heat exchangers where especially growth of mussels from larvae in the cooling water systems reduce the heat exchanger efficiencies causing high maintenance costs. We need to involve them in describing the Phase 1 activities, and maybe we need to involve them during execution of Phase 1.


PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020