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FORINFRA-Nasjonal sats.på forskningsinfrastrukt.

Norwegian Scientific Data Network

Alternativ tittel: Norsk vitenskaplig dataforvaltning

Tildelt: kr 20,0 mill.

Norsk vitenskaplig dataforvaltningsnettverk (NorDataNet) er et virtuelt dataforvaltningsystem der eksisterende geofaglige dataforvaltningssystemer knyttes sammen vha standardiserte søksmetadata som utveksles gjennom maskinelle grensesnitt. Formålet er å forenkle prosessen med å finne, laste ned og bruke vitenskaplige data på tvers av dataforvaltningssystemer. Selv om NorDataNet har et geofaglig utgangspunkt er målet å etablere et tverrfaglig system gjennom kommunikasjon med nasjonale og internasjonale miljøer. NorDataNet tilbyr gjennom de eksisterende datasentrene, det vitenskaplige miljøet støtte til å publisere og langtidsbevare datasett. Viktige kunnskapsområder for NorDataNet omfatter semantisk beskrivelse, lisenser, opprinnelsesinformasjon og unike identifikatorer for datasett.

During the International Polar Year (IPY), data management was seen as the key to securing a lasting "IPY legacy": "An enduring data set, accessible to scientists and the public during IPY and for many decades into the future, will represent one of IPY's strongest legacies.". Free and unrestricted sharing and preservation of data were the guiding principles. An IPY Data and Information Service (IPYDIS) was established to ensure the long-term preservation and availability of IPY data. Nationally, the effort was mirrored by the DOKIPY project, supported by the Research Council Norway (RCN). Data catalogues at the Institute of Marine Research, Norwegian Polar Institute and Norwegian Meteorological Institute were connected, thus establishing a national IPY data portal. The present proposal aims at continuing and expanding the DOKIPY effort, in: (1) Expanding the DOKIPY concept to non IPY catalogues hosted by IMR, METNO, NERSC, NILU and NPI as well as RCN funded infrastructures like Norwegian Marine Data Centre (208849/F50) and NORMAP (195397/V30) by improving and adjusting the present documentation of datasets and subsequently linking the catalogues as in DOKIPY. (2) Consolidating the DOKIPY system as a national portal and search interface to environmental scientific data. (3) Making scientific data from Norway visible, searchable and accessible in key international portals such as WIS, GCMD, SeaDataNet, and SIOS, and vice versa. NorDataNet attempts to link existing catalogues within the environmental domain in order to support unified search and access to data regardless of physical location. It will also attempt to integrate the NorStore Research Data Archive and to coordinate requests from the climate and environmental data community towards NorStore. The proposal can be implemented in a stepwise approach starting with the unified view for metadata populated with the IPY catalogues and metadata for NorStore datasets.


FORINFRA-Nasjonal sats.på forskningsinfrastrukt.
