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E!9105 FireDetect

Alternativ tittel: FireDetect

Tildelt: kr 2,1 mill.




2014 - 2018

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Prosjektet Firedetect går ut på å utvikle og teste et nytt deteksjonsprinsipp innen brannvarsling. Elotec fikk gjennom denne oppgaven tilført ny kunnskap og erfaring som godt bidrag til vår nye sensor i vår egenutviklede aspirasjonsdetektor. Analysering av måleresultatene gjennomføres i en avansert mikrokontroller som samler data og gir nøyaktig resultat gjennom en avansert algoritme. Dette vil forbedre dagens systemer ved at sensoren sorterer ut hva som er reell brannrøyk fra eksempelvis os fra matlaging. Systemet vil ikke gi uønskede alarmer, selv med ekstremt høy følsomhet. I tøffe miljø er det ofte problemer med støv og korrosive gasser, med dette systemet eliminerer vi også disse utfordringene, og får stabilt høyt følsomhetsnivå.

The overall objective of the project is to develop and test a novel and reliable fire detection system based on a new and advanced Acousto-optic technology. The aim is to develop a system that is able to identify very small temperature rises at a very early stage of a fire, thus providing an early and reliable detection of fire, which will decrease the risk of false alarms. The final system will be marketed to applications with challenging environments such as waste management facilities, power supply plants, piggeries, cow stables, food processing factories and other dusty locations where traditional heat point detectors cannot survive more than approximately seven years. R&D challenges involved in the project: - Highly sensitive interferometer: detection of very small temperature drifts may require improving the sensitivity of the current interferometer systems significantly. - Mechanical stability: the vibrations of the structure where the equipment is to be mounted can easily contaminate the output of the system, therefore potentially leading to false alarms. - Optical coherence: since the measurement technique is based on interferometry, it is important to ensure optical coherence between the probe and reference beams. This is particularly important when the probe beam travels long distances (like in large industrial pavilions). - Harmonized European Standards for components to be used in automatic fire detection and fire alarm systems are published in the EN 54-series. All harmonized standards covers type testing of a specified component, and requirements for certification (CE-marking) are described in the standard in question. No existing standard covers type testing and certification of the Acousto-optic line heat detector, but it would be possible to connect the detector to the system via a certified input/output devise.
