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SAMANSVAR-Ansvarlig innovasjon og bedriftenes samfunnsansvar

The Assisted Living project. Responsible innovations for dignified lives at home for persons with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.

Tildelt: kr 16,9 mill.

Prosjektet forsker med og for personer med mild kognitiv svikt. Kognitiv svikt er en viktig årsak til at personer ikke lenger kan bo hjemme, og antallet personer med kognitiv svikt forventes å øke med forlenget levealder både i Norge og internasjonalt. Ulike teknologiske løsninger forventes å være en del av tiltakene for at personer med kognitiv svikt skal mestre hverdagen og bo hjemme så lenge de ønsker. Teknologiforskningen i prosjektet vil anvende automasjon og machine learning og utvikle selv-lærende systemer for personer med mild kognitiv svikt. Prosjektet har nå gjennomført litteraturstudier og seks dialogkafeer med eldre på Skøyen Omsorg + og er ferdig med teknologiuttestingsprosessen. Prosjektet har gjennomført en scenario/fremsyn-konferanse om demens i 2030 og en avsluttende konferanse i oktober 2019.Det er skrevet en avsluttende rapport fra prosjektet i 2020 som oppsummerer forskningen som er gjort.

The ALP has produced new knowledge to how RRI can be conducted in praktice, and of transdiciplinary RRI in order to approach assistive technologies in an integrated manner. Through extensive engagement activities with several stakeholders (e.g. in scenario-workshop and end- Conference), particularly dialogue cafées With older adults, the project has increased the understanding of inclusion of groups that are under-represented in technology research and innovation. Further, the project discovered how machine learning could contribute to developing future self-learning systems that may enable older adults to live at home longer. It has not produced a concrete technological solutions due to technological challenges and time, but provides new knowledge to how feasibility can be secured. In addition, it documents how the insights from RRI might guide reflection on value realizations in assistive technologies. Finally, the ALP provide several recommendations for future projects.

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an increasingly important concept in the development and governance of science and technology. It has been interpreted as an approach to research and innovation that allows all R&D stakeholders at an early stage (A) to obtain relevant knowledge on the consequences of their actions and on the range of options open to them and (B) to effectively evaluate both outcomes and options in terms of societal needs and moral values and (C) to use these considerations as requirements for design and development of new research, products and services. The Assisted Living project takes an RRI approach and conducts research within ICT, health science, social science and ethics. The overall aim of the project is to advance RRI in the field of welfare technology. By adapting an RRI framework, the project's main objectives are to: a) map how stakeholders and experts perceive the state-of-the-art of responsible welfare technologies, focusing on assisted living technologies (ALT); b) develop ALT solutions for users with MCI/D, through an RRI approach; c) judge by an integrated HTA approach whether technologies introduced through an RRI process score better than currently implemented technologies; and d) create a wider dialogue on responsible welfare technologies for the future. The project will develop RRI as a learning process and governance approach and perform research on RRI; targeting the needs of the aging population as a global challenge in welfare provision; and developing competence on responsible innovation within welfare technology development and the care professions. The project integrates a strong cross-faculty and cross-institutional research group on responsible assisted living technologies, including HiOA students and researchers at all levels, international partners, regional actors, (such as municipal care providers), national actors (such as interest organisations and the Norwegian Board of Technology), and industry.

Publikasjoner hentet fra Cristin


SAMANSVAR-Ansvarlig innovasjon og bedriftenes samfunnsansvar