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The national interdisciplinary Research School Religion-Values-Society

Alternativ tittel: Den nasjonale interdisiplinære forskerskolen religion-verdier-samfunn

Tildelt: kr 23,4 mill.





2016 - 2024

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Den nasjonale interdisiplinære forskerskolen religion-verdier-samfunn (RVS) RVS arbeider med fleirfagleg forsking i krysninga mellom religion, verdiar og samfunn, og utforskar dynamikken in samspelet mellom desse tre tematiske polane. Fokuset er på empirisk- og samtidsforsking, og skulen tilbyr spesialisert forskarutdanning innan dette for å supplere opplæringa gitt i ordinære PhD-program. Forskinga i dag på religion, verdiar og samfunn i Noreg og Norden er spreidd utover ulike fagfelt og institusjonar. RVS legg til rette for samarbeid og samkøyring på tvers av desse skila, noko som skaper eit solid forskingsmiljø av internasjonalt kaliber. RVS har òg eit strategisk samarbeid med Boston University, for å dra nytte av deira ekspertise på desse felta og for å legge til rette for vidare internasjonal orientering i doktorgradsstudentane sitt arbeid.

Norwegian and Nordic research on contemporary religion, values and society is currently fragmented into different disciplines and smaller and larger institutions. There is a need for a network that can coordinate studies on these phenomena; not at least because religious and value change are complex processes, and best understood through inter-disciplinary research. The Research School Religion - Values - Society (RVS) is an already existing network of 7 academic institutions, which with this application is expanded to 11 institutions and a more ambitious level of activity. RVS will organize inter-disciplinary courses, including a yearly one-week long summer school, annual PhD-seminars, online group sessions, and an extensive international cooperation with Boston University. An aim is to integrate an international perspective on all activities in RVS, and in all phases of the PhD-students? research. RVS will be a supplement to, not a replacement of, the regular PhD-programs. In RVS religion and values are researched empirically and as formed through social interaction. RVS is interdisciplinary, gathering religious studies, theology, sociology, education, psychology and health sciences. RVS will constitute a network that will contribute to a better understanding of the changing role of religion and values in society and strengthen the quality, reflexivity and efficiency of the PhD-process among its student members. The PhD-students will benefit from a wider range of courses, seminars and supervision, in addition to new perspectives from other relevant disciplines. RVS will also build bridges between a number of different academic disciplines, which will help understanding religion and values as complex phenomena.


