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E!9824 Surface Crack and Universal Total Inspection and NDT Surface Examination

Alternativ tittel: NDT overflate inspeksjon og feilsøking

Tildelt: kr 0,91 mill.




2015 - 2017

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Prosjektet har bidratt til å utvikle et utstyr for automatisk NDT testing av stål for sprekker og sveisefeil. I dag er det en møysommelig prosess å teste stål som tidligere er malt. Malingen må fjernes før man manuelt kan gå inn og teste dette. Med denne nye metoden blir malingen fjernet støv og støy-fritt med en robot, som samtidig bærer med seg utstyr for NDT testing av det rensede stålet. metoden er meget tidsbesparende og man vil enklere få avdekket feil på store områder i motsetning til dagens relativt tidskrevende metoder som kun tar en spot-undersøkelse.

Due to aging or lack of quality control at manufacture there is increasing awareness of the need to inspect industrial artifacts and infrastructure across many industrial sectors. This trigger development of new NDT equipment which enables operators to inspect and diagnose aging structures or products quickly and accurately without increasing cost. Current available techniques in the NDT sector are generally labor intensive, slow to execute, cover small areas and are expensive to perform. This system will be based on a newly -patented laser scanning process and has the advantage of requiring only conventional machine vision components in its construction. To complete the system, bespoke software will automate the detection process to enable operation of the system by relatively unskilled personnel. The concrete results of the project are three-fold: (1) A final full-fledged commercial prototype of the SCRUTINISE system, suitable for rapid deployment at a chosen test site. (2) An integrated suite of software for surface crack detection and 2D surface data logging and image generation. (3) New and patentable foreground IPR relating to the project results, which could be transferred to further industrial applications in the future.
