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HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester

Sites of Access. Entry opportunities into employment for people with disabilities

Alternativ tittel: Inkluderingens åsteder. Funksjonshemmedes mulige veier inn i arbeidslivet

Tildelt: kr 9,4 mill.

Forskningen har etterhvert funnet mye kunnskap om hvordan arbeidslivet utestenger funksjonshemmede. Dette er åpenbart viktig kunnskap. Dette prosjektet tar derimot utgangspunkt i et annet faktum, nemlig det at mange funksjonshemmede faktisk er inkludert i arbeidslivet. Prosjektet studerer derfor - på både makro- og mikronivå - hvordan inkludering faktisk finner sted. På makronivå (ved analyser av registerdata) har prosjektet gjort følgende sentrale funn: 1) Selv om gruppen "unge funksjonshemmede" er svært heterogen, er ekskluderings- og inkluderingsmønstrene likevel nokså ensartede. 2) Forskjellen gjelder ikke bare sysselsetting men også lønn: Funksjonshemmede har et lavere lønnsnivå, også når man hensyntar utdanning, bransje og arbeidslivsansennitet. 3) Kjønn interagerer med funksjonshemming, på en slik måte at funksjonshemmede prosesser påvirker menns yrkesdeltakelse mer enn de påvirker kvinners yrkesdeltakelse 4) Utdanning fremmer inkludering, men i mindre grad enn tidligere forskning skulle tilsi. 5) Bransjeforskjellene er mindre enn forventet. På mikronivå er det gjort følgende preliminære funn: 1) Bedrifter som i særlig grad rekrutterer funksjonshemmede distanserer seg aktivt fra velferdsstaten og dens språk. 2) De samme bedriftene er imidlertid også nært knyttet til velferdsstaten (både institusjonelt og økonomisk). 3) NAV-ansatte som er spesielt knyttet til dette området legger stor vekt på markedslogikk (etterspørselssiden), men overraskende lite vekt på rettighetslogikk. 4) Kunnskapsoverrføringen i NAV bygges i hovedsak rundt "gode historier", og i mindre grad rundt systematisk kunnskap.

Primary objective: to provide knowledge that enable increased labour market participation of people with disabilities. Sites of access succeeded in providing robust knowledge, and the findings from WP2 and WP3 are clearly enabling. Since the WP1 findings show very stable patterns of exclusion, their enabling impact is less clear Secondary objectives are: 1. To fill in a research cap on how disabled peoples' entry into the labour market actually takes place. Yes, this was clearly delivered by WP1 2. To turn a "problem perspective" upside down and, by drawing knowledge from organizations that specifically value disability or disability-related experiences. Yes, delivered with successful academic publications in WP2. 3. To provide less "generalized" knowledge on entry into the labour market, with a stronger emphasis on the level of sectors and organizations. While both WP1 and WP3 looked explicitly for such meso level findings, sectors and singular organizations proved to be less important than we expected. 4. To provide knowledge that is useful in policy making, useful to the labour and welfare services, in recruitment processes of employers and to job-seeking individuals with disabilities. This was achieved through publications, but also through invited presentations at various public agencies (LDO, ASD, Riksrevisjonen). 5. To develop education programs on the inadequately treated topic of the part played by employers and work organizations in processes of entry into the labour market: Due to sick leave, and not least the effects of covid-19, this was not achieved.

Disability and reduced work capacity is ofter perceived as a very difficult obstacle. Sites of Access, in contrast, takes as its starting point that work life organizations do accommodate for difference. There are sites of access in work life, and this project sets out to study the accommodations that facilitates access, accommodations provided by both work life organizations and the labour and welfare services. Three closely linked work packages make up the project: WP1 Trajectories of Inclusion looks closer at work life entry for people with disabilities - to which sectors of labour market they enter, and the impact of education in the entry processes. WP2 Disability as an Asset research how valuation of difference, and sometimes of disability, makes certain workplaces to become inclusive. WP3 Facilitating Inclusion study how the welfare and labour service interacts with inclusive work organizations. The project apply a mixed method approach including analyses of register data, survey data and case studies of work organizations and labour and welfare offices. The project is coordinated by the recently established Center for Work Inclusion, a joint effort of HiOA and the Labour and Welfare Administration. It is organized as a collaboration between the Work Research Institute at Centre for Welfare and Labour Research, the Faculty of Health Science, the Faculty of Social Science, the interdisciplinary Care, Health and Welfare program, and the NGO Young Disabled (in Norwegian: Unge funksjonshemmede). To ensure policy-relevant research that can make an impact, the project also involve participants from the Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), The Norwegian Association for Young Disaled, the Confederation of Norwegian Trade Unions (LO) and Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO).

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HELSEVEL-Gode og effektive helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstjenester