Tilbake til søkeresultatene

IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksl. Norge-Tyskland

Sub-Riemannian structures on Lie groups, differential forms and PDE

Tildelt: kr 0,10 mill.

The proposed project is aimed in the establishing of the research collaboration between the Analysis and PDE group of the Mathematical Department of the University of Bergen and Analysis Institute of the Leibniz University of Hannover in order to attack some mathematical problems in the area of partial differential equations. The task is originated and will find the application in different areas, such as for instance in geometry and analysis, in the control theory, robotics, neuroscience, bio-networks, physics of high energy and other branches of technology and science. The team of the project consists of 4 member of the University of Bergen and 5 members of the University of Hannover. The team of the University of Bergen includes 2 professors, leaders of the Analysis and PDE group and 2 master students. The group of the University of Hannover consists of the leading professor of the Analysis Institute, one PhD student, and three postdocs. We plan to organise mutual visits each semester in order to have the exchange of new ideas, brain-storms of the tasks, and training of master and PhD students. The guest talks at department analysis seminars will be hold during each visit. The Norwegian part will participate in the regular international workshop "Geometric and Singular Analysis", taking place in Potsdam, Germany, in the period of March-April and organised by the German group. We also aim to organise a winter school for master and PhD students with lectures delivered by professors of the project team for the recruitment and training of young researches and establishing of a kernel of an international team with the purpose of future applications to national and European Research programs, such as Marie Curie action or ERC projects. We also plan to disseminate the mathematical ideas related to the project among the secondary level pupils of the secondary schools and undergraduate students by means of organising popular lectures and informal seminars.


IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksl. Norge-Tyskland