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AAL-Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme

Virtual and memory adaptable spaces creating stimuli for the senses in ageing people with dementia

Alternativ tittel: Virtual and memory adaptable spaces creating stimuli for the senses in ageing people with dementia

Tildelt: kr 3,9 mill.

SENSE-GARDEN er en ny, teknologisk løsning for demensomsorg, som ble utviklet som en del av et tverrfaglig EU-prosjekt finansiert av AAL-programmet i et samarbeid med Norge, Belgia, Romania og Portugal (AAL / Call2016 / 054-b / 201). Implementeringsperioden var fra juni 2017 til november 2020. Prosjektet hadde som mål å skape individuelle, virtuelle rom for mennesker som lever med demens. En sansehage er et rom bygget inne i et demensomsorgsinstituisjon (dvs. sykehjem eller sykehus) som kombinerer virtuelle steder, digitale medier og multisensoriske stimuli for å skape miljøer tilpasset livshistorien til personen med demens. Fire av disse sansehagene er opprettet og er for tiden i drift i hvert av de deltakerlandene. Konseptet bygger på teknikker fra "reminiscence" terapi, der individet oppfordres til å huske, reflektere over og dele fortidige øyeblikk fra livet sitt, inkludert mennesker, steder og hendelser som er relevante og meningsfylte. Ved å bruke digitale teknologier for å presentere kjent musikk, fotografier, filmer og dufter i et virtuelt rom, håper man at SENSE-GARDEN kan gi personner med demens, deres pårørende ag ansatte, muligheten til å engasjere seg i den individuelle livshistorien i en ny og spennende vei. Disse rommene kan øke bevisstheten til personer med demens ved å gi stimuli til de forskjellige sansene, for eksempel syn, berøring, hørsel, balanse og lukt, noe som fører til en ny forbindelse med virkeligheten rundt dem. I sansehagen vil personen med bistand av en hjelper bli oppmuntret til trening både på det mentale og fysiske plan. Personen tas med tilbake til steder, situasjoner og tider som hun eller han føler en tilkopling til. Å vandre eller sykle i kjente omgivelser vil kunne gi en opplevelse av å vende hjem. Slike opplevelser vil kunne ha en identitetsstyrkende effekt gjennom opplevelsen av selvtillit og en eksistensiell følelse av det å være seg selv.

For the person with dementia (PwD) The SENSE-GARDEN helps preserving the person's internalized and evolving life story that a person constructs to make sense and meaning out of his or her life. Through meaningful activities it can promote the interpersonal relationships amongst people living with dementia and caregivers. For caregivers (staff and family members) SENSE-GARDEN helps supporting families to deeply connect with the person with dementia in spite of the challenge that dementia presents. The findings suggest that SENSE-GARDEN is a space in which the person with dementia could talk about their life experiences, and this was shown to give both staff and family members new knowledge on the individual. International networking: Institutions from several countries, in addition to the 4 already involved, have declared interest and support in contributing to the further developments of the SENSE-GARDEN approach, including Canada, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

The SENSE-GARDEN project aims at creating virtual gardens, which are automatically adaptable to personal memories of their users. Spaces that strengthen the awareness of older people with dementia by providing stimuli to the different senses, such as sight, touch, hearing, balance and smell, leading to a re-connection with the reality around them. People with dementia progressively disconnect from the world; they experience loss of function, especially memory, eventually affecting their verbal communication. Language loss is a major factor for disconnecting from close ones such as family and friends. This progress is exacerbated by the lack of external stimuli, which can happen due to reduced activity and apathy in general. This is especially the case when the person enters an unfamiliar environment such as a care or nursing home. After some weeks in the new and alien place, it is common that the person reduces the interaction with others and turns increasingly inwards. This project will create a mixture of natural and technological environments, which are linked to the individual memories of the user and automatically adapt to them. These SENSE-GARDENS are filled with familiar music, videos and photos from known places and with known people. Pictures and videos are combined with music - maybe a large image of mountains together with singing birds. Smells - the odour of a pine forest - dispersed with a scent delivery system. This provides an immersive space automatically adjusted to each visitor, creating a connection to the more active areas of the memory and giving intense sensation. The SENSE-GARDEN, with the help of a caregiver, encourages people with dementia to exercise at both the mental and physical level, and takes them back into places they feel connected to. They can for example cycle or walk in a well-known space and feel like they are going home. Such experiences may have an effect on invigorating their identity and helping recovering the sense of self.


AAL-Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme
