The EU call H2020-SC6-Transformations-01-2018 focuses on the socioeconomic effects of automization, robotization, ?and digitization and its effect on welfare, social security, skills, jobs, occupational health and safety, life quality and distributive fairness. The Commission is concerned that the current technological wave, as it refers to as the fourth industrial revolution, may weaken the development of inclusive, innovative and reflective European societies, and ask researchers to assess the nature and effects of these changes and formulate alternative? policy options or useful solutions.
This project is about the employment effects of technical change and technological learning, and how these employment effects can affect social inclusion and stability. This issue has been part of the policy discourse dating from before the period of mercantilism and the first industrial revolution and remains an important policy issue today, especially in the context of the ICT revolution and the emergence? of new technologies and industries. New technologies create both opportunities and challenges for the future of work, employment and productivity. They also have an impact on the content of skills and their acquisition, on availability and type of jobs, and on social well-being and distributive fairness.
The proposed project contains two groups of work packages, one that adds to the policy discourse on the socioeconomic effects of technological unemployment (at the firm industry, and macroeconomic levels) and one that considers the issue of inequality? and various policy solutions. An outreach activity where various stakeholders will be invited to take part in open workshops. The projects address? both historical, theoretical (including relevant modeling methodologies) and the future role of new technologies. Partners including include NIFU, UNU-MERIT, UNIVERSITÄT HOHENHEIM, Graz Schumpeter Centre, and CERGE-EI Prague