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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

HighLift Phase 2

Tildelt: kr 99 999

The overall aim of the HighLift project is to mature, pilot, scale-up and commercialise our game-changing high temperature heat pump (HTHP). Olvondo Technology (technology holder, NO) and our consortium partners; AstraZeneca (end-user, SE) and Aabo Akademi University (technology and validation partner, FI) have together developed the HighLift technology to TRL7, and we now plan to take the final steps towards TRL9 and full commercialisation with the H2020 Fast Track to Innovation call. The HighLift technology has a major market potential compared to current state-of-the-art technology. As the envisaged FTI project builds upon a validated prototype technology, the majority of our efforts will be focused on piloting and commercialisation activities. The HighLift project fits strongly to the priorities for the Fast Track to Innovation Pilot (EIC-FTI-2018-2020) Work Programme. First, the project has clear end goals of technological maturation (TRL7 to TRL9) and commercialisation (market entry to sales), intending to pilot and validate the innovation in a real-world context and create a strong business model fit for a disruptive market entry. Second, the project brings together several industry partners, a highly demanding end-user and a renowned University, allowing to create a cross-disciplinary product. This combines cross-sector knowledge/competences such as mechanical engineering, materials science, thermodynamics, industrial waste heat capture, high temperature steam generation, hardware control systems, human-machine interface, data acquisition, storage, visualisation and analysis. This combination of technologies has brought about a unique new product with a high market disruption potential that will deliver important benefits to society. HighLift gives industry an enhanced environmentally-friendly solution to address important sustainability and climate change issues.


PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020