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TEKNOKONVERGENS-Teknologikonvergens - grensesprengende forskning og radikal innovasjon

Releasing the power of users - articulating user interest to accelerate new innovative pathways in digital health and welfare sector

Alternativ tittel: Releasing the power of users - articulating user interest to accelerate new innovative pathways in digital health and welfare sector

Tildelt: kr 10,1 mill.

Det primære målet med prosjektet er å utvikle en bred kunnskapsbase om hvordan ulike interessenter innen e-helsefeltet kan engasjere seg i mer brukersentrerte modeller. For det første søker det å forstå ulike måter brukere kan delta i innovasjonsprosesser for å forutse deres behov og forventninger. Videre fokuserer det på hvordan brukere kan bli en kilde til ansvarlige innovasjoner ved å bruke en støttende tilnærming – en fysisk kontekst, et verktøysett og en rammemetodologi – gjennom hvilken brukere aktivt kan delta i innovasjonsprosessen. For det tredje vurderer vi innovasjonssystemet ved å skape et grensesnittområde (Shared Innovation Futures Lab) i Stavanger der ulike interessenter i denne sektoren - systemintegratorer, kommuner, helsepersonell, små og oppstartsentreprenører og sluttbrukere, kan samarbeide om innovasjon i "trygge omgivelser" der eksperimentering, prototyping og læring fra "intelligent feiling" kan finne sted.

In this project we will develop and extend the RRI and the CSR frameworks to make them accessible and useful tools for practitioners. In particular, our proposed project focuses on the inclusion of diverse users in innovation processes and creating of innovative ecosystem for cocreation of innovations in the context of digital health and welfare (ehealth). The project is organized in four work packages WP1 Understanding users side address the first project objective of understanding the range of different modes of user participation though identifying attitudes, concerns and expectations of users in relation to welfare technology. Outcome is replicable methods of integrating the user voices in front end of innovation process with documented results WP2 Creating a boundary innovation space address the second project objective of creating an enabling approach and develops design specifications for an innovation space to help to accelerate user involvement. It furthermore undertakes interventions and pilot the SIF Lab with both physical and digital spaces. The outcome is development of a robust template for wider use by innovative firms interested in developing more inclusive approaches to working with users in digital healthcare innovation, that can be also applicable for other sectors WP3 Enhancing the ecosystem address the third project objective of developing a robust framework for shared value business models for exiting eco-system. It identifies stakeholder’s motivations and suggests collaborative business models for free innovation, The outcome is scalable and replicable model of cooperation between innovative firm that incorporate user voices, and broader eco-system (system integrators, health enterprises, municipalities etc.) WP4 Open learning arena deals with dissemination of results and communication with virtual national centre for RRI

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TEKNOKONVERGENS-Teknologikonvergens - grensesprengende forskning og radikal innovasjon