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AiBA - Author Behavioural Analysis, to keep children safe online

Alternativ tittel: AiBA - Author Behavioural Analysis, to keep children safe online

Tildelt: kr 5,0 mill.

Et tverrfaglig team av forskere og forretningsutviklere, med utspring fra Norwegian Biometric Laboratory ved NTNU, har utviklet en ny og nøyaktig teknologi som kan oppdage personer med uønsket adferd som feks cyber grooming, toxicity og falske profiler på internett. Løsningen er basert på maskinlæring og adferdsbiometri. Målet med Aiba er å gi en tidlig varsel slik at de digitale plattformer kan stoppe samtaler før skade oppstår. Aiba predikerer potensielt skadelige samtaler og aktivitet i sanntid og leverer dette som en tjeneste til plattformeiere som feks spill- og sosiale medieselskaper. Pilottestene i samarbeid med 7 pilotkunder har vist at teknologien løser det voksende problemet i markedet på en effektiv og nøyaktig måte. MVP'en har vist at løsningen klarer å håndtere store datamengder fra pilotkunder i sanntid. Prosjektresultatene kommersialiseres nå gjennom en nyopprettet start-up med et sterkt team som har hentet rundt 7 millioner kroner i privat investorkapital.

Aiba offers a significant leap in detection of fake profiles and the exposure of child predators online. With a unique approach, combining state-of-the art research within keystroke dynamics and stylometry, the solution will be able to perform accurate continuous real-time analytics and function as an early warning system of unwanted harassing behaviour. The project has helped to increase awareness of online safety for children by strategically utilizing media, resulting in around 30 publications. By establishing a venture funded company with business case based on the project results, already 5 new jobs were created fall 2022, with another 4-5 in the pipeline for the next six months. Our solution is directly addressing important parts of UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child and UN’s sustainability goals: 1) We will reduce suicides and increase children’s mental health and well-being by reducing toxicity and stop grooming in online platforms. We believe we can stop cyber grooming with at least 99 % for our customers (Target 3.4) 2) We work to ensure all children are safe on the internet no matter where they live or economical background. Through our service to gaming and social media companies we will increase equal opportunities and reduce inequalities for children online and ensure all children are safe (Target 10.3) 3) Our mission is safe digital lives, and we believe Aiba can significantly reduce and stop cyber grooming and toxicity before any harm happens (Target 16.1). Our goal is to predict cyber grooming at an early stage so abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against children will be stopped (Target 16.2). We will through our work to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all when it comes to children’s safety online (Target 16.3)
