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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Clinical testing and establishing high level production of a novel ultrasound sensor for monitoring of diaphragm and respiratory rate

Tildelt: kr 99 999





2019 - 2020

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The diaphragm is the main muscle of breathing, contributing to 70-75% of the volume of air brought into the lungs in a single breath in normal, healthy people. As such, respiratory problems and failure can be directly linked with diaphragm dysfunction. However, monitoring of the diaphragm is not routinely performed meaning that diaphragm dysfunction is mostly under-recognized. Respinor’s first target application is patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) who are under mechanical ventilation (MV), and more specifically for assessing the patient during the weaning process when the breathing tube is removed. There is currently a severe lack of accurate and cost-effective solutions to support the weaning process. Recent research has shown that ultrasound measurements of diaphragm motion during MV can provide valuable information in the assessment and follow up of patients. However, this technique requires specialized equipment, a skilled operator, and provides only limited and non-continuous data. The novelty of Respinor’s current DXT low-volume product lies in the usage of a small ultrasound transducer in a highly specialized sensor design that can be attached to the skin surface using a patented, disposable, adhesive solution. RESPINOR DXT is easy to use and allows for continuous monitoring of diaphragm excursion and respiratory rate. Successful proof of concept study completed and presented at the ERS Congress in Milan 2017.


PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020